- We are all sober
- Stefanie (on the left) was the only one intentionally making a "crazy" face - she thought that's what we were going to do - Kristin and I - we just naturally look crazy.
I think the homeless person (see picture) I saw on the train a few weeks ago sums it up best...
"I got no worries, no job, no boss, no woman (no man for that matter) but I'm not against the gays, that's not my business, you wanna be gay be gay who am I to judge anybody. I've got 25 hallways I can sleep in anytime I want, I don't worry about anything. I'm just sitting here on this train enjoying my buzz. I'm not drunk, I'm just buzzed. Just riding this train, keeping warm. You white folks come out when it gets cold out - not like us black folks - we don't handle the cold like you do..."
He continued voicing the random thoughts in his head for the entire 20 minute train ride and it was awesome. He may have been buzzed but he sure did have the right idea: a) just sit and enjoy the ride b) live and let live c) don't forget to rest once in awhile d) don't worry too much e) if you're white be sure to dress warmly because apparently we like the cold :-)
From his picture you can see that he is dressed for the holidays as well which is nice :-) He clearly has the Christmas spirit.
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!
For various reasons I haven't written in awhile but here goes...
Kristin and I are all settled into the new apartment - Alex is settled into his place. Kristin has had a scary month -for info on that see her Blog http://bostongrrrl.blogspot.com/
I was on the train today about to get off when I heard the music coming from the earphones/CD player of the little Latino standing next to me. I immediately said to him - "Nice Song" and turned to my friend and said "Air Supply - All out of Love - circa 1980". Yes my friends - he was rocking out to Air Supply. I loved it!!!
Had a party for work on Saturday - a night of bowling - fun fun. I found it interesting that here in the Boston area when you tell someone you are going bowling the first question they ask you is "Big balls or small balls". I shit you not...big balls or small balls. Apparently they do a lot of candlepin bowling here which uses smaller balls. Who knew!
I got pulled over this morning. I was out minding my own business taking an early morning drive when I made a left turn – at a green light – and apparently left turners are supposed to yield to oncoming traffic, even if the oncoming traffic doesn’t move when the light changes and even if that non-moving traffic is a cop. I get the whole yield rule – and I did yield for half a second and when the cop didn’t move I pulled out.
I pulled out and he turned his lights on and pulled up behind me. The first thing that went through my mind was “Of course – I haven’t showered; I have on no makeup and greasy hair.” Because for some reason a shower and makeup would make a difference. The second thing I thought was “Crap – I haven’t gotten a MA drivers license yet” and “Holy crap what/where is my registration” I had no idea what my registration looked like or if I really did ever put it in my car.
So officer big belly gets out of his car and bellies up to my car. And I said, “Was I not supposed to do that?” Sincerely not knowing I wasn’t allowed. He answered, “No ma’am, you are supposed to yield to oncoming traffic”. “Why did you pull out in front of a marked police cruiser?” I answered honestly “I really didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to – I’m very sorry.” Then I hand over the MO license and registration (thankfully when I opened my glove box I pulled out the only piece of paper in it – and it happened to be the right piece of paper. He then proceeds to ask me if I know that due to the fact that I have not changed my license I am subject to arrest. I said (voice shaking a bit for drama) "no".
He let me go – thank you BB – and told me to get my license changed and don’t pull out in front of people again. Of course my only mistake was pulling out in front of a cop. What I did people do everyday – you have to go when you get the chance – just be wary of who you pull out in front of.
I took this from Emma's blog because it was one of the highlights of the day - this is a conversation that happened at work Friday morning between Carlo and Emma -
Today was supposed to be this big corporate golf outing, but it was cancelled due to the weather. So my co-worker, Carlo was invited and was planning on attending. I asked Carlo, if he even golfed at all. His response?
"Does it LOOK like I golf? I mean, I live in
For those not familiar with
And further proof that I should ride the short bus here's a story from Friday afternoon -
I have never really painted before - the only time I remember painting is helping my dad paint the shed one time when I was about 8. I'm pretty sure it ended with my dad cussing me out :-) I wanted to learn in case we needed to paint the new apartment so Tom offered to teach me.
First he shows me how to use the edger tool thing - to carefully and neatly paint a nice 4-5 inch border around the thermostat and the open electrical outlets. (This tool is so handy because it allows you to easily paint around objects in the wall without getting paint on them - that's the whole idea - you can stay a good distance away from them when you use the roller or brush. You probably already figure this out…anyway) Great - love the edger tool! Then he shows me how to load the roller - not too much - not too little - just the right amount of paint. He then proceeds to show me how to paint with the proper technique.
Now it's my turn to take the roller - it's not the short stick roller but the long stick roller. How hard can it be? Well apparently pretty difficult for me. As I get closer to the thermostat Tom and Paul tell me "Don't hit the thermostat" And I’m thinking - Duh! I know that - that' s why we used the edger tool!
So I’m rolling along and I roll right over the corner of the thermostat - not once - but TWICE. Tom kinda looks at me like - "Are you kidding me?" I wasn’t. I don’t know why I hit twice – I wasn’t trying to.
I want to give up but no - I have to try again - so I move on to the lower portion of the wall and jokingly am told not to roll over the open socket - again - DUH! I did it twice with the thermostat I think I get the drift now - Nope. It's like someone took over my arms and I rolled completely over the friggin' socket. Totally covering it in paint! Tom said two things 1. I can see why your dad cussed at you 2. You're fired.
A long long time ago (1980 something) in a kitchen with red paisley wallpaper and a bright yellow phone (left over artifacts from the 70's) a young girl was promised tickets to see Rick Springfield. Unfortunately due to games young girls play - she was unable to go. The young girl - now more or less an adult - still wears the scars of this event. But this is not a sad tale -Jessie's Girl still makes her dance in her car - and anywhere really - like Molly Ringwald.
I have been reminded of this event many times in the last several weeks - and finally no longer with childlike disappointment but rather an overwhelming sense of happiness. It all started a few months ago when Rick Springfield made an appearance on Ellen - from far away he still looks good (don't we all). Then came the mix CD Tori made - she graced the gem with Jessie’s' Girl and I was struck by how it's just about impossible to listen to that song too many times. Every time I hear it I (several times a week now) I am compelled to open the sun roof and wave my arms about as I sing loudly along with Rick. Finally - tonight - Mr. Springfield opened the Daytime Emmy awards with a medley of his greatest hits. It was like a mini concert in my living room and all is right with the world.