Thursday, May 31, 2007

Doctor's visit

I had a doctor appointment today for a couple of reasons 1. to establish myself with a new doc here 2. having some anxiety issues 3. prescription services

I walk in and notice the place is called a Medical Spa (remember they also have Dental spas here) and I'm thinking hmm....I also find out the doctor is supposedly into holistic healing - which could be an ok thing and then I notice among all of the health, prevention, parenting magazines throughout the waiting room and in the exam room there are bibles. Big bibles and small bibles. Still reserving judgement - waiting to see what the doctor is like. She comes in and immediately invades my personal space - she's a close talker and frankly it stressed me out. Then she proceeds to basically advise me not to date men with children and that I need to get on the road to happy and evidently she doesn't date men with children and that's the road to happy?!!? (I am NOT making this up). Then after telling me that I'm suffering from anxiety (really? i had no idea.) and that I needed to adjust to my new surroundings and my new job and it would probably take 6 months. She asked me what my 'triggers' were and she kept asking and asking as she got closer and closer to my face. I'm literally in the seated fetal position (legs curled up, leaning as far away from her as I can with my arms up to my chest) when I tell her "This right here - this is one of my triggers" She then decides to prescribe me some Xanax (the only good thing to come out of the visit) and closes the session quoting scripture to me - the Lord is my Shepard to be exact. I ran from the office and called Bugg and my mom so I could vent, decompress and de-stress from the most stressful doctor's visit I've ever had. I'll be finding a new doctor ASAP

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Be courageous! Have faith! Go forward!
Thomas A. Edison

When I die, I hope to go to Heaven, whatever the Hell that is.
Ayn Rand

Monday, May 28, 2007

Weekend Pics

Centennial Park ~ he appeared to be breathing....Where I work

My back porch

Petunia Progress

Saturday, May 26, 2007


I am a bit fascinated by Kevin Federline. He reminds me of the 'stoner' boys I used to like in Jr. High - specifically one stoner in particular - Shawn Stone. Ah sweet trailer trash romance.

They see me rollin - in the Mini..waiting at the drive thru at the bank

As Bugg says - I'm super cool :) There's lot of pressure to be cool all the time when you're as cool as I am :p

Happy Memorial Day Weekend...

Friday, May 25, 2007

Two Quotes

I got a card today from my friend Michelle and she put this quote in it: "There are persons so radiant, so genial, so kind, so pleasure-bearing, that you instinctively feel, in their presence, that they do you good." Henry Beecher

I'm the one being shallow now I know but I'll get over it they may not. "Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless; peacocks and lilies for instance." John Ruskin

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Biggest Pet Peeve

Lots of things annoy me - but one of the biggest annoyances is people that repeat themselves. I don't mean when you forget you said something ~ I'm talking about when in the same sentence a person says the same thing more than once, either exactly the same or slightly reworded. It Drives Me CRAZY!

"She drove to the store last night, last night she drove to the store, she drove to the store last night".


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

If you are easily offended please don't read

I got an email from Emma today regarding the person that took my place at my old job and my ex you may know my ex boss was um ... difficult...slightly off balance...a 'tad' controlling...the list goes's what went down...

So, Steven, the new "you", was getting his picture taken for the access card. Mind you, he's Asian.

S (my ex boss) then says to him AS HE IS GETTING HIS PICTURE TAKEN --

"Don't squint!"

I'll give you a second to take that in.
Ugh, miss you.

I love you Emma :) Pretty much made my week! Titty Pong

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I would imagine that each of us has times when we feel like we don't fit in; especially in new situations/surroundings. We probably each have our own thing that makes us self-conscious. I have more than one thing and being in my new situation makes my 'things' stand out even more than usual. I'll be glad when it's not new anymore and I start to feel a little more like me again.

New Plates

The cooper is officially "Tennesseed"

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My brother's birthday

Jared turned 24 on Friday (Snooky also had a birthday on Friday ~ Happy Birthday Snook) and Steve and I went to Mascoutah on Saturday to help celebrate. I also got to see my friend Julie, her husband Kirk (long time reader first time photo op ;)) and their son Ethan who will turn 2 next week. Ethan is a lucky boy because today he was having a birthday party complete with cowboy theme - he was all decked out in his hat, cowboy boots, vest and I think I even saw some cow-hide chaps :) My mom cooked her butt off and we sat around last night and watch Bill Dance fishing bloopers until we cried from laughing.
Cowboy Ethan

Julie & Kirk

Me & Bugg

Julie & Me (where are my eyes?)

Dad, Me, Jared, Jewles

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Camera Phone Pics

I was trying to take a pic of the Chihuahua in the pickup truck and I had the camera turned the wrong way :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What in the hell is this

Star Jones is crazy

New Favorite Song

Patty Griffin ~ Heavenly Day

It's worth a listen...

Oh heavenly day, all the clouds blew away
Got no trouble today with anyone
The smile on your face I live only to see
It's enough for me, baby, it's enough for me
Oh, heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day

Tomorrow may rain with sorrow
Here's a little time we can borrow
Forget all our troubles in these moments so few
All we've got right now, the only thing that
All we really have to do
Is have ourselves a heavenly day
Lay here and watch the trees sway
Oh, can't see no other way, no way, no way
Heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day

No one at my shoulder bringing me fears
Got no clouds up above me bringing me tears
Got nothing to tell you, I've got nothing much to say
Only I'm glad to be here with you
On this heavenly, heavenly, heavenly, heavenly
Heavenly day, all the trouble's gone away
Oh, for a while anyway, for a while anyway
Heavenly day, heavenly day, heavenly day

I hate being short sometimes...

I live in a 'gated' community and after 6 pm I have to use either a key card or punch in a code to get the gate open. There are two different machines in which to do this - I can't get close enough with my car to reach either one. I have yet to successfully let myself into the gate on my own. Either I piggyback on the car in front of me or Steve gets out and does it for me. When he's not around I'm sad to say that I try not to be outside the gate after 6 :-|

It stresses me out AND makes me mad that I can't get close enough to reach - oh and top it off with the fact that it's on a pretty steep incline so I'm worried about reaching the keypad and not killing the car before I can get it into gear and up the hill and through the gate. ARGH! The stress in my life! ;)

I was telling Stef this and she said - "Why don't you just put your car in neutral - hop out, get the gate open, and then scoot on in?" Well DUH?!!? I guess I was so miffed at not being tall enough to reach that it didn't occur to me *blush*.

Meat n' Three

I went to my first "Meat n Three" place today for lunch. The concept of the Meat n Three is a small mom and pop place where you choose one meat and three sides ~ mac & cheese, green beans, corn pudding, etc... Have to say it was really good.

The Petunia's I'm trying to go View from my apartment ~ from the front steps

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Baby names

I was watching TV this morning and they were talking about the Social Security Admin announced the top baby names for the last year or so or something like that - they said that Katrina has gone down in popularity recently - go figure.

On a related note it was decided tonight by me - in a truly smart ass way to piss of the meanest woman in TN that if Bugg and I have a baby I want to name her Angel Baby Princess of God.

It it's a boy perhaps Damian Micheal Son of Satan.

I kill me.

Friday, May 11, 2007

I Rock

I just made what could quite possibly be the best meatloaf ever - complete with Parmesan and Romano cheese - along with new potatoes, carrots, and green beans - followed by the best brownies with vanilla icing known to man.

Seriously - these brownies might be the best I've ever made. It's dangerous to have them around but they are so good I'm going to take the risk.

If you're in the area feel free to stop by and try them out.

Nother quote

Make voyages. Attempt them. There's nothing else~
Tennessee Williams

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Reading a new book The Bride Stripped Bare and I found this quote (the main character is talking about her best friend being born an old soul in some respects and how it contrasts to her own personality)

"She (her friend) was born thirty-five whereas you haven't gained definition yet, haven't hardened into adulthood. You're also in your thirties but still stamp through puddles and sing off-key way too much, as if tucked inside you is a little girl who refuses to die."

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Are you Freakin kidding me?!

I was watching TV tonight and saw a commercial for Dental Bliss Spa. Here's the link

It looks like an amazing place - they offer sedation, massages, fresh baked goods, and each room has an aquarium and entertainment center.

Um...gotta say I wish I would have known about this sooner - considering the hellish last several months I've spent either dreading the dentist visits or suffering through the anxiety of actually visiting the dentist - not to mention the trauma of the root canal. (I may never forgive that tiny dentist girl for climbing into my mouth and practically dislocating my jaw with the shots and the drill)

I will be checking out the Dental Bliss Spa if for nothing else than the chance to be heavily sedated for a few hours - that certainly sounds like bliss to me.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Nashville Pics

Steak~N~Shake Chilli

Uber high tech tanning bed

Creepy Doll at a gas station in KY

Centennial Park

In case you were unsure

The Parthenon at Centennial Park

Roadtrip Pics

Me and the jam packed Cooper leaving MA

Niagara Falls

Last day(s) of work pics

Tom ~ Me

Denise, Katie, Carlo, Tom, Dave, Tom

Carlo ~ Me ~ Yovany ~ Emma

Monday, May 07, 2007

Dealing well...

not so much. today was my first day at the new job. it went fine. everyone was nice. they gave me a coffee mug, chocolate, and a gift card to starbucks as a welcome. nice. i'm not in a happy mood tonight which isn't going to make for a very interesting post but it will make for a good reminder later on when things are better and i'll look back/laugh and think how freakin dramatic i was. i'm a drama queen by nature i know this ~ i'm also a crybaby ~ i'm giving myself a week or so of being as much of a crybaby as i want to be b/c i's an adjustment period after all. after that i will dry up the water works and get on with it. i'm actually very happy to be here - i love being closer to bugg (part of the reason i'm such a crybaby is b/c i got to spend 9 days with him and then he had to go back to KY and i miss him) i like being closer to the family and friends but it's still an adjustment. it's not just missing the boston thing it's adjusting to living alone. blah blah - pity; party of 1 your table is now ready :p

Saturday, May 05, 2007

My first Saturday in Nashville

We've pretty much been going non-stop since last Friday ~ it's not been bad though. We spent a few days with my parents ~ had dinner with Bugg's parents last night. They are the sweetest people and so nice. Because they are so nice I inevitably put my foot in my mouth about a hundred times during dinner. At least I thought I did. I felt like a recently released female inmate that was dropped off at charm school upon release ~ crude and rude ;)

Today I have had the whole day to do whatever... My first stop was the tanning salon ~ Southerners know how to tan my friends~ as soon as I get my camera software loaded I'll show the high tech, ergonomically friendly tanning bed I tanned in today. Incredible and designed to give you an even tan. I did some napping, bought a mattress and cleaned up a bit.

I got a super deal on the mattress and the guy that sold it to me told me the best quote ~ I'd heard it before but I had forgotten. Regarding southern women he said the following "Love your ~ hate your guts" :) I'm not saying it's true but it's funny. In Mass I imagine it would read something like "Go *&% yaself". One of my other favorite quotes - "The bigger the hair the closer to God" . Yes I'm being stereotypical but that's where the humor lies.

I've actually already had one person tell me they are going to pray for me b/c apparently I'm going to need it, according to them. She happens to be the meanest woman in TN so I'm not sure how good she's in w/ God or how much she'll actually be praying for me but whatever helps her sleep at night. FYI - she does not have big hair either so I'm even more skeptical about the power of her prayers.

Remember - sarcasm and humor are two of the best friends a person can have.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Cooper has Landed

We made it to Nashville on Monday morning. Had an uneventful but pleasant trip, stopped by Niagara Falls for a quick peek at the sights and spent time with some family in Ohio.

We've gotten the Cooper unpacked, the Trooper unpacked, and stocked up on household things at Target. The movers won't make it in until at least 2 more weeks. Bugg and I are in Mascoutah for a few days, going to bring some furniture back to the apartment and then hopefully a little reprieve from moving things for a few days. Start work on Monday - yikes!

Pictures to follow...