Thursday, August 27, 2009

This is real news people

You'll have to cut and paste - I can't get the link to work...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Here is just a group of random questions that were fun to answer...Feel free to leave your own


1. What is your salad dressing of choice?
Ranch or Garlic Expressions

2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?

3. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?

4.What do you like to put on your bagel?
Regular cream cheese


1. How many televisions are in your house?
4 - Includes one in the garage aka man cave

2. What color cell phone do you have?
Shiny red and black

4. Have any idea how many Megahertz your computer has?
I don't even know what that is really


1. Are you right-handed or left-handed?

2. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Wisdom teeth and some ankle bone

3. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
Weights at the gym - they didn't start out heavy but they got that way fast.

4. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?


1. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
I don't know - part of me thinks yes but I think knowing would drive me crazy.

2. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I'm good with my name

3. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
I'd puke but maybe for a grand


1. How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
At least 7

2. Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
I almost got a ticket last year

3. Last person you talked to?
My husband

4. Last person you hugged?
My husband


1. Season?
Fall hands down

2. Holiday?

3. Day of the week?
Saturday - sleeping in and Dunkin coffee and double chocolate donut for breakfast

4. Month?


1. Missing someone?
I missed a wedding in Holland and I miss the friends that were there

2. Mood?
Kinda calm which is weird for me

3. What are you listening to?
Hell's Kitchen and Violet barking outside

4. Watching?
Hell's Kitchen


1. First place you went this morning?

2. What's the last movie you saw?

3. Do you smile often?
Yes - I think so


1. Do you always answer your phone?
Most of the time

2. Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?

3. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I like my eyes - can't imagine a different color

4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?

5. Do you own a digital camera?
Yes - love to take pictures

6. Have you ever had a pet fish?

7. Favorite Christmas song(s):
Do They Know it's Christmas

8. What's on your wish list for your birthday?
I could use a new iPod

9. Can you do push ups?
Yes-but not many

10. Can you do a chin up?
Never ever have been able to

11. Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
Both - the house thing makes me nervous and excited

12. Do you have any saved texts?
I have several from Bugg but I can't read them on my new phone - but they are there.

13. Ever been in a car wreck?
Yes - scared the crap out of me - still makes me a very bad passenger sometimes

14. Do you have an accent?
Sometimes I guess I have a bit of a southern one

15. What is the last song to make you cry?
Jeff Buckley - Alleluia

16.Plans tonight?
TV and getting ready for tomorrow

17. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Pretty close once but came back better and happier

18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
A soda for a quarter

19. Have you ever been given roses?

20. Current worry?
House thing

21. Current hate?

22. Met someone who changed your life?
Several - I'm very lucky

23. How will you bring in the New Year?
We'll be hanging out with the kids I imagine

24. What song represents your current state in life?
Oh Heavenly Day - it just makes me happy to hear it

25. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I'd like to be around when my parents were younger

26. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?

27. Do you have any tattoos/piercings?
2 tats and three ear piercings

28. Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now?
I should hope so

29. Does anyone love you?
Well everyone - duh

30. Ever had someone sing to you?
Hmm I don't think so but I've had a mix tape made for me

31. When did you last cry?
Sunday night – reading a book – it made me cry

32. Do you like to cuddle?

33. Have you held hands with anyone today?
Um no

34. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?

35. Do you like pulpy orange juice?
Pulp free

36. If you could have any job, what would it be?
I'd be a makeup artist w/ Bobbi Brown

37. What was the best thing that happened to you today?
I went to the gym and it was a major accomplishment - thanks Rese!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Big Grown Up Deal

We bought a house - at least I guess that's what the SOLD sign means. Holy crap! If everything goes smoothly we close on Sept 22nd. Pictures soon.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


This is our little pumpkin vine - growing with the rose bush in a pot on the patio. I transplanted it from the rocky yard and it's growing like a weed...or a vine...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Book Report

I just finished one of THE best books I've ever read: The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak.

It's about a girl in Nazi Germany. It's funny and rip your guts out heartbreaking.

It shows the best and worst of people (b/c you can't see the best without seeing the worst) and it's narrated by Death.

Get off the computer, go to the book store, buy it, and start reading.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Maybe only funny to me

Three things about this video
1. Violet's three hops (you'll know it's happened b/c you'll hear me starting cracking up)
2. My laugh sounds just like my mother - which I think is funny - although I may be embarrassing myself by sharing this w/ God & country - i.e. you cyber types who read my ditties
3. The look on Violet's face when I start laughing and then the close up eye she gives the camera - after that you can hit stop

I did it - Again

I signed up with a gym today. I actually think this one might work. I've signed up before a few times and always found a way to get out of going even with the help of well meaning friends - thanks Kristin. But this time I'll be going to the gym with Rese - the reason it's going to work this time is b/c I want to but more importantly b/c I will be riding to work with Rese everyday and we'll be working out on our way home from work and so I either go in and work out or sit on my ass in her car. So basically I'm kind of being taken prisoner by a faithful gym do-gooder and I'm ok with it.

We'll be going to the Urban Active gym. When I signed up today I noticed right off a few things that told me I was certainly not at the YMCA anymore. Lots and lots - I mean LOTS of people with tattoos - all over their buff bodies. Perhaps I can get my foot in shape so my tat will look at cool as theirs. Also there weren't many seniors ...and by many I mean - zero. I didn't mind the seniors at all it's just a totally different gym atmosphere. I think the girl who signed me up had been drinking on her lunch break - but she was pleasant. They have a huge cardio cinema area where you can watch movies while you do the treadmill - kinda cool. They also have a boxing ring which I have to tell you I'm excited about - boxing ring and a big punching bag. I love to punch sh*t and I hope someday I'll be brave enough to use it.

Random note: Put your balls back in your pants missy - that was some funny sh*t right there. It still makes me laugh today.

Other Random note: Seb and I were walking out of the cafe at work and immediately we heard this music - we both stopped and looked at each other - and then realized it was a ring tone on someone's phone. Seb said it sounded like a theme song and it did - like it was perfectly cued to our entrance into the lobby from the cafe. Then we went on to disucss how cool it would be to have our own theme song or theme music - like Peter on Family Guy had in one episode.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Some things to consider

I deleted a post recently b/c I didn't like the way I wrote I'm going to sum it up along with a few other points:
  1. I'm really glad I didn't peak in High School (at least IMHO I didn't). I'm much happier, more confident, smarter/wiser, I've seen a few things, been some great places and have marginally better hair - all before the age of 40. Not too bad really.
  2. I don't care for over bearing people - women especially. The in your face aggressive big shoulder pad wearing women you're likely to meet in the work world. I think part of it is they intimidate me but after I get over that it's matter of it's just plain rude; so just put your balls back in your pants missy and back off with your attitude.
  3. I really appreciate all the work the people I work with do. They kick a** on a daily basis and make me want to do a better job.
  4. I walked into our house tonight after a brief walk with the dog and the A/C was kickin' it and it felt so good to walk into a cool house that I said to Bugg "We are truly blessed". He agreed. Simple small thing but it says a lot that we are fortunate enough to have A/C.
  5. It's ALS walk time again - you can expect to be getting emails from me soon pandering for your money - all in the name of a very very good cause! Remember - any little bit will help!

Sunday, August 09, 2009