Monday, June 30, 2008

MEGA Church

Had another good weekend. Wonderful weather, great company, some really good food, and generally relaxing, yet productive.

Had a great mini visit with Sarah who was in town for a conference. We got to catch up and had lots of AHA! moments about various things over a bottle of Pinot G. (yeah I'm slick with the wine talk - it's cuz I'm real refined and sh*t). Ha!

Anyway...also on Sunday before the PG, Steve and I went to church with his parents who were also in town this weekend. As I think I've mentioned before when they come to Nashville they like to check out different churches and we go with them. We've been to a few - some I liked some not so much. This one was a split decision. The sermon actually made some sense but the church was so big that it was sort of ridiculous and I had to stop myself THREE times when we pulled into the parking lot from saying "JESUS CHRIST THIS CHURCH IS HUGE!"

It had 5 different levels, a gymnasium, several kid play rooms, a library, a reception type area for snacks/coffee and this enormous sanctuary with a gigantic balcony, giant TV's for you to see all the action even all way up top in said balcony and a huge altar/stage. (the picture is almost exactly what it looked like).

The kicker for me was when these three HUGE curtains came down on the altar/stage. They rose minutes later to reveal a choir, a group of musicians, and 5 men sitting on big chairs that to me sort of had a 'throne' kinda feel. They kicked the choir into gear and the people got on their feet and the hands starting waving and the AMENS started shouting and I wanted to retreat into a hole.

Some young girls up near the front were really getting down with the Lord - with their hands raised to God, swaying back and forth (like a rock concert for Christ). One girl was pumping her fist with one arm while her other arm was outstretched (up and out) to the point it must have been in the face of the girl standing next to her. The whole time I'm watching this I kept thinking 'If that chick had her arm/hand in my face like that I might have to take her down'.

I'm not making fun of anyone I'm just running commentary on what I saw and how I saw it...I'm not a showy flashy person (I'm loud and obnoxious sometimes but showy) and it makes me really uncomfortable especially in church settings to watch people 'get caught up in the spirit' in such a flamboyant way. I also am cynical and I think the majority of my uncomfortableness with it all is that I doubt the sincerity...I just don't get the whole stage setup for an altar. The choir members that sang solos almost seemed to be auditioning for American Idol, and the 5 men in the 'thrones' just had a really slick look to them.

Evidently at one point when the man behind me shouted out "AMEN" for the 10th time I made some sort 'Humph!' noise. I don't recall doing it but Bugg heard it. It's hard to keep my inside voice to myself sometimes...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Spay - the aftermath

Some pics ofVB feeling the morphine on the drive home from vet. Poor thing.

Friday Wrap Up

It's been a good week. Busy at work, relaxed at home. We've done a lot of grilling this week (I supervise - not so much grill) and not a whole lot else. Rese had dinner with us last night - we chatted the evening away - it was nice.

Pure cheese - after a trip to the dog park.

Tori, Sarah, Kristin, Stef - saying goodbye for now to Kristin as she heads across the ocean to start her exciting new life with J! They all look so happy - I love them.

<-- Rese's brand new pedicure

<-- My brand new pedicure


Monday I stayed home with what I guess were allergy related symptoms - it amounted to me doing some work from home and taking naps on the couch with sweet little Violet Bugg.

She has now figured out how to jump up on the couches and chairs (although sometimes she still misjudges and ends up body slamming the couch). But you know how animals know when you don't feel good - well I guess she knew b/c she hopped her cute little butt up on the couch and literally laid on top of me and napped with me.

This act of love and affection makes up for all the stunts she pulls the rest of time; continually and obsessively rooting through the laundry and running off with Bugg's socks and underwear is the most annoying one.

She thinks she's hot sh*t when she does it too - she prances around and kinda sneakily runs off to a corner (b/c she knows she's bad bad bad) to sniff and chew her treasure.

With her new found jumping skills the cat is no longer safe on the recliner or love seat (two of his favorite places). VB3 hopped her a** up on the recliner the other day while Roofus was lounging on it and I thought he was going to have a conniption. He started batting her on the head, hissing, howling, biting and Violet just sat there...looking...waiting...until the cat could take it no longer and jumped down and ran away. VB3 was pleased with herself - the cat - not so much.

She LOVES ice cubes and carrots - she loves to toss them up and chase them around the house. And of course she loves sticks - forget all the toys I spent way too much money on - she'll take a stick any day. Of course it makes a mess in the house but the few minutes of peace is worth it.

She met some new friends at the dog park this week - got humped by some tiny little rat terrier who was adorable but who obviously had some sort of Napoleon complex and felt the need to overcompensate by trying to hump and rough house the bigger dogs.

And finally today is the 'big' day. She gets fixed, altered, spayed. I dropped her off at the vet this morning and will pick her up today after work. I'm hoping she's a little groggy and will chill out tonight.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Truth about Obama

Love this article from Slate - a nice retort to all those 'Barack is an unAmerican radical Muslim' emails going around. Thanks A.E. for sharing.

The Truth About Barack ObamaRumors the Obama campaign shouldn't try to correct.
By Christopher BeamPosted Tuesday, June 17, 2008, at 5:47 PM ET

The Barack Obama presidential campaign introduced a new site last week,, that it hopes will debunk persistent myths about the senator: that he's a Muslim, that he won't say the Pledge of Allegiance, etc.

As we have argued before, restating the myths often reinforces them, no matter how persuasively they've been refuted.

Rather than restate untruths about Obama, the campaign would do better to start some rumors of its own. Here's a template e-mail the Obama campaign might consider disseminating.

There are many things people do not know about BARACK OBAMA. It is every American's duty to read this message and pass it along to all of their friends and loved ones.

  • Barack Obama wears a FLAG PIN at all times. Even in the shower.
  • Barack Obama says the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE every time he sees an American flag. He also ends every sentence by saying, "WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL." Click here for video of Obama quietly mouthing the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in his sleep.
  • A tape exists of Michelle Obama saying the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE at a conference on PATRIOTISM.
  • Every weekend, Barack and Michelle take their daughters HUNTING.
  • Barack Obama is a PATRIOTIC AMERICAN. He has one HAND over his HEART at all times. He occasionally switches when one arm gets tired, which is almost never because he is STRONG.
  • Barack Obama has the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE tattooed on his stomach. It's upside-down, so he can read it while doing sit-ups.
  • There's only one artist on Barack Obama's iPod: FRANCIS SCOTT KEY.
  • Barack Obama is a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN. His favorite book is the BIBLE, which he has memorized. His name means HE WHO LOVES JESUS in the ancient language of Aramaic. He is PROUD that Jesus was an American.
  • Barack Obama goes to church every morning. He goes to church every afternoon. He goes to church every evening. He is IN CHURCH RIGHT NOW.
  • Barack Obama's new airplane includes a conference room, a kitchen, and a MEGACHURCH.
  • Barack Obama's skin is the color of AMERICAN SOIL.
  • Barack Obama says that Americans cling to GUNS and RELIGION because they are AWESOME.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hooray for the Gays!

The one thing this "Christian" Protestor got right?
Wearing a Devil mask (shows his true personality)

They sure don't look like perverts - they look like two people who are very much in love - who happen to be the same sex. They've been together for 55 years.

Friday, June 13, 2008

6 tasty treats for friday

  1. I got a new haircut a few weeks ago and I'm happy with it. No longer the flippin worst ever anymore and Maria is my new favorite hair stylist.
  2. House hunting is on hold for the time being - apparently it's a good idea to have money for a down payment BEFORE you fall in love with a house. It's also a good idea to have money saved up for emergencies, new appliances, a lawn mower, and new furniture to fill said house. Oh and finally - good idea to actually make enough money to afford the monthly payments.
  3. I do believe that most of us have a pre-determined happy/sad limit - and that we are born being about as happy/sad or positive/negative as we are going to be - that's it. Some people are Pollyanna and some people are Debbie/Dudley Downer. And yes pills can help with some it but for the most part you're stuck with your personality and you were stuck with it the moment you were born.
  4. I watched Celebrity Circus this week - and I'm ashamed. It was bad - these people aren't even really celebrities. Well except for Antonio - who cares what he is...put him in some eyeliner and tight pants, take off his shirt and call me happy.
  5. I've decided my religious status for the time being is "Confused but searching recovering Catholic".
  6. Chicken Road and NE Tater Masher are actual roads in Wilson County TN. Yep - Tater Masher.

Happy Fathers Day weekend!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Say what?

My friend 'S' (for super) has had some trying times in the dating world. Recently though she was handed a nugget of comic relief courtesy of one of the online dating sites. The nugget was an email sent to her from John - a 'young 40' from Medford MA.
Bless his heart really but honestly this is not a good lead off/pick up line/introduction:

You look and sound like a real cutie !! I'm pasionate about a lot of things.... music, food, and Tickling Feet to name three. Yup I'm an expert Tickler !! I did research on laughter and ticklishness during my BA in psychology. Since then I have developed a combination foot tickle/massage that is a great stress release and total mind/body healer. Laughter truly is the best medicine. Think you can handle a little tickle torture in your life ?!?! :)

Men here's a tip: Don't lead off with your fetish and don't use the word torture in any context when trying to make a good first impression on a woman. Unless of course you're at a club or on a website for those types of things and you know the chick is into it - otherwise it's just creepy.