Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More Reasons not to watch the news...

especially before bed.

I had gotten to a fairly relaxed state this evening and was watching the 10 o'clock news in bed waiting to see the weather and within the first 8 minutes I heard the following stories (some of it is graphic/disturbing so you may not want to read)

  1. 2 shootings/3 shot
  2. More Pacman Jones Vegas shooting details
  3. A deadly crash in Florida
  4. Deadly flooding/storms in Texas
  5. 5 children arrested for setting a dog on fire - the dog has not been found - I believe the children should be set on fire - save us from the future serial killers they will probably become - this was by far the worst story and I was just about to turn off the TV but before I could I got to hear this story...
  6. Nursing home being investigated b/c a patients bed sores were so severe they actually had maggots in them
I have not been in a good mood for a few days - this did not help. I really want someone to beat the living shit out of those kids for hurting that dog. I think that would make me feel better.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bobbie's Dairy Dip

We had lunch today at Bobbie's Dairy Dip. Soft serve ice cream with butterscotch topping - pretty heavenly. Not quite J.P. Licks but not too shabby - the atmosphere alone was worth it.

Saturday Drive

I couldn't get pictures of all the gigantic houses we saw today but here are a few - it's unreal how many huge houses and beautiful neighborhoods there are around here. Every weekend we take a drive and every weekend we see another round of mansions, big lots, bigger houses, golf courses, country clubs, and beautiful tree lined narrow windy roads.

Belle Meade Plantation

Checked out the Belle Meade Plantation today
We didn't actually go into the house but we walked around the grounds.

Friday, June 22, 2007

A few things Nashville

My new favorite thing here is a column in "The Nashville Scene" weekly paper. The title of the column is "Ask a Mexican". It's awesome - and I'm being serious - it deals with stereotypes on both sides in a witty yet serious manner. I'll share some with you at some point but not up to typing it out today..but you can find it online by going to and under the Columns tab you'll find this week's column - discussing Mexican/Canadian relations.

For the record - this Pacman Jones BS that's going on down here - is just that - BS. This guy has been investigated or otherwise in trouble with the law on at least 12 different occasions since signing with the Titans back in 05 or 06. He's suspended for the rest of the year and was told to stay away from strip clubs and other clubs and places where he might get into trouble - and apparently he can't stay away.

He should be banned from life from playing football period. And since he can't seem to stay out of trouble when he goes to a strip club he ought to be banned from them as well.

Evidently one his latest incidents involved beating up a stripper who started to grab the money "raining from the sky" before it all had settled to the floor. According to a girl at work it's cool in the world of the rich and lawless to rain money down in strip clubs but the rule is that the strippers have to wait until the money settles before grabbing it. Apparently this girl didn't follow the rules and got beat up as a result. Now I don't know if the story is true or not but it's disturbing to think that it might be. I do know that this guy has had more than his share of run ins with the law and I honestly don't think it's because the police are trying to catch him doing wrong - he just has a knack for it. This week alone he's wanted for questioning in Atlanta for a strip club shooting thing and posted bail in Vegas for something else. The guy gets around.

Friday Musings

The week is over - a good week overall. It went by fast and was fairly uneventful in a good way. I was introduced to a few new, very genuine, nice people, found a new trail to bike/walk (and yes I actually did walk it the other night), and as a nice cap I get to spend quality time with Bugg. I made cookies tonight and cleaned the apartment. I like to pretend that I made the cookies for Bugg but really it's an excuse for me to eat chocolate - like I need one I know.

On a semi cynical but totally realistic note I'd like to say for the record that there are some seriously messed up people out there. A real bag of nuts honestly. I find it both alarming and funny and it does make me question my own perception of reality. I have my quirks to be certain but there's a fine line between being a little eccentric and being downright off your rocker. But as someone pointed out regarding my repulsion and need to watch America's got Talent and then rag on it - if there weren't mixed nuts around I wouldn't have any material.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

New Idea

You know how they have Kiddie Pools at just about every community pool where all the little ones can play without fear?

Well I think they should have Chubby Pools for the chubby folks so we can play without fear too.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

First it was Limbo and now it's Driving..will the madness ever end?

So awhile back the Catholic Church decided to do away with Limbo when it comes to babies who die before they are baptized and it resulted in the conversation I wrote about between me and Kristin where she got upset that the church was regulating the games we play (Limbo vs. limbo)

At any rate Jennifer H told me today that the Church has now come out with the 10 Commandments of driving. Probably heard about it on th news but...

Here they are:
First a lead in from the church: Drivers must avoid behaving in an "unsatisfactory and even barely human manner" when driving. They must also refrain from "unbalanced behavior … impoliteness, rude gestures, cursing, [and] blasphemy."

The Ten Commandments for road use are as follows:
  1. You shall not kill. (ok with this one)
  2. The road shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm. (I wouldn't do it on purpose but really - get the hell outta my way)
  3. Courtesy, uprightness and prudence will help you deal with unforeseen events. (simple enough in theory)
  4. Be charitable and help your neighbor in need, especially victims of accidents. (can do)
  5. Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and domination, and an occasion of sin. (Hummer anyone? That can cover both of those - I'll let you figure it out)
  6. Charitably convince the young and not-so-young not to drive when they are not in a fit condition to do so. (i.e. decide who's the LEAST drunk)
  7. Support the families of accident victims.
  8. Bring guilty motorists and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness. (unless you wave at me when you pull in front me and acknowledge you were in the wrong I will NEVER forgive)
  9. On the road, protect the more vulnerable party. (who is the more vulnerable party? the guy that's on his phone not paying attention or the people he's running off the road?)
  10. Feel responsible towards others. (I will try harder to use my turn signal - happy?)

Um - I have a hard enough time following the original ones - and now this? I feel even more hell bound than I did before. At least I can take comfort in the fact that after I spend rush hour cussing and gesturing and sinning in my car I can come home and ask for forgiveness, say a few hail mary's and feel right with the Lord of the Cooper.

Peace be with you...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Closer to the Cousins

Had a wonderful visit with Jeanie, John, Heidi, Heather, Jon, Matt, Austin, & Madison tonight. They are on their way back to the Quad Cities and Iowa after spending some vacation time in SC. I was lucky enough that Nashville was a stop over and their hotel was only a few miles from my apt so I got to spend some time with them. The pictures came out so blurry and I'm so disappointed but I have to post anyway so the family can see Heather's bun in the oven! :) Sorry your blurry Jon!

FYI - Madison and Austin are my new best friends *kisses*

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day Weekend

Picture info
Jared and I actually had to stand in the drive through ATM - the kids in the car in front of us were staring - It was awkward
Trivia: Mayor Caliper Dr in Colp, IL (My Uncle Frank was Mayor there for 50 some odd years)
Picture of me, Mom, Dad - would have been great - had I OPENED my eyes! I don't know what my deal is lately with closing my eyes in photos. I'm going to keep it anyway and just look at it from far away because it's not as obvious that my eyes are closed.

I went to Mascoutah this weekend for a wedding and to spend Father's Day with my dad (also got to have lunch with Steve, his boys, and his parents today - bonus). The wedding was beautiful - really - I cried at least 5 different times for various reasons. I saw LOTS of people from Mascoutah that I hadn't seen in a long time and in some ways it was good and in some ways it was painfully awkward but I'm glad I went. I also got to see my friend Dana's brand new baby girl - so sweet

Friday, June 15, 2007

Ballard County Fair

Bugg invited me to go to the Ballard County Fair (KY) next weekend.

He may have to go for work and hang out next to the Kubota tractors but there's the promise of, and I quote, "Watch the truck and tractor pull and make fun of the Rednecks".

He had me at Truck Pull ;)

In all seriousness I've never been to a tractor/truck pull even though they have them every year at the Mascoutah Homecoming und August Fest, so it could prove to be a lot fun. And who am I kidding - hanging out with Bugg is always fun (cheesy but true), and drinking a few buckets of beer, counting the mullets in the crowd, and using the porta potties is pretty much right up my alley.

I'll give you an update next weekend if we go :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Words of Advice from a southern girl

Look pretty, marry rich, and scene.

Boston Bound

Booked my ticket last night for a Labor Day weekend trip to Beantown - few excited!

America's got What??

The long haired freak on America's Got Talent is the worst thing I've ever seen on TV. He/She sang the mmmm mmmmm song by Crash Test Dummies. Yes I'm watching it even though I said not more than 5 minutes ago to Snooky that I hated it ... but here I sit engrossed in the freak show. David Hasselhoff is bad enough but top the freak sundae with the bad talent and it's like a train wreck - I can't look away.



My friend Stef has meme'd me. Stef looked it up on the urban dictionary. And here's what it said:

meme (noun)

1. an idea, believe or belief system, or pattern of behavior that spreads throughout a culture either vertically by cultural inheritance (as by parents to children) or horizontally by cultural acquisition (as by peers, information media, and entertainment media)

2. a pervasive thought or thought pattern that replicates itself via cultural means; a parasitic code, a virus of the mind especially contagious to children and the impressionable

4. in blogspeak, an idea that is spread from blog to blog

5. an internet information generator, especially of random or contentless information

(She skipped 3 because She just didn't think it was as interesting.)

She has tagged me to write 8 quirks or habits about myself, and then pass it on to some lovelies whose blogs I enjoy.

This is hard but I'll try

1. If anything is too complicated for me or requires too much figuring out - I bail. I'm not one of those relentless types of people who keep trying - I quit - I'm a quitter - and I'm ok with that. I'm not a quitter when it comes to tackling life problems - just things that require too much thought or instructions that sort of thing. If it doesn't work by the second time I don't care to keep on trying and if it seems to be too intricate at first glance I will completely ignore it. God invented IT people, help desks, boyfriends, and handymen for these sorts of things - and I love them.

2. I'm a bit obsessed with death - I think/worry about it WAY too much. I blame it on my Grandma and Grandpa Caliper and telling me too many stories about ghosts, car accidents, and other morbid crap when I was a kid.

(as I'm writing these I don't think those who know me will find these all that surprising)

3. I'm not really very patient and I'm easily annoyed. Generally speaking I mean that I'm not very tolerant of the general public - people ANNOY the living sh*t out of me. If I like you though you are pretty much stuck with me b/c I'll probably always like you - unless you become a crazy freak like me and then I'll bail (the whole complicated thing referenced in number 1)

4. I scream whenever I have to kill a bug larger than a fly - it's not on purpose it's just a stress reliever and it comes out - I get freaked out - kill it and scream and then run around my house shaking and jumping and flapping my arms b/c I feel like it's on me.

5. I have atypical narcolepsy which basically means it's really hard for me to stay awake during the day some times. It's extremely annoying...but oh how I love to talk about it ;) (this one is a bonus - you got two of my idiosyncrasies for one)

6. I secretly have always wanted to lobby for a woman's right to choose - seriously. I used to argue with the protesters outside of Planned Parenthood when I drove by - and by argue I mean I used to honk/yell/gesture at them if there wasn't enough time while at the stoplight to engage them in conversation. I remember telling them one time to get a freaking hobby and leave us all alone.

7. There are only a few people I can drive with and be comfortable being a passenger. I believe it goes back to my obsession with my death (and having a father who falls asleep while driving) - but I can pretty much name on 1 or 1 1/2 hands how many people I am comfortable passengering with. Yes I made up passengering.

8. I believe in soul mates and destiny and love beyond comprehension.

That wasn't so hard....your turn!

Monday, June 11, 2007


I'm watching Vh1 this morning before I get ready for the day - just about the only time you can actually see videos on TV anymore and the new Bon Jovi song is on...

Jon Bon Jovi gets hotter every year. The new song - Make a Memory is one of my new favorites - probably b/c it evokes a certain 80's hair band power ballad but at the same time I think it's just so awesome for lack of a better word - it's honestly too early for me to be writing...but I love the song.

nuff said

p.s. The Burger King "King" in the commercial is CREEPY!

The Scissor Men at the Family Wash

Thanks to Karissa and her crew for showing Steve and me and excellent time last night at the Family Wash

The musical highlight of the evening was listening to the Scissor Men - a two man Blues Band.

Interestingly enough two of the couples at our table, including the guitar player in the pic - both have Boston ties. One couple lives there currently and Ken the guitar player and his wife moved here about three months ago from East Boston.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Saturday Pics

Did a lot of riding around on Saturday w/ Steve. Weather was great...

Thursday, June 07, 2007


paris hilton is a twat. she should be in jail - it's ridiculous.

*thought in my head as i twat offensive?" *

I don't find it offensive - but i also don't think calling someone a douche bag is offensive either so perhaps i'm not the best judge.

also have you seen the stanley steamer commerical where the dog is scooting his butt across the carpet? seriously the most disturbing commericial i've seen this the toenail fungus animated one i wrote about several months ago.

i think it's time for me to go to bed.

Few things

1. I am smarter than a fifth grade - What's the Erie Canal B*atch!!!
2. It's hard to work 8 hours a day and not cuss - really really hard.
3. I want a French Bulldog so bad I can't stand it.
4. This is the first job I've had since I graduated that I don't have to worry about someone dying/blowing something up, something blowing up on it's own, someone cutting off their finger or losing an eye. It's a lot less stressful. I also don't have to know jack sh*t about chemistry which is a bonus.
5. I made it all the way home from work today (7 miles) without cussing, gesturing, honking, or swerving at another person/car.

A bit offended - a bit amused

Stef sent me this link today. As a member of the "lost tribe of midwesterners" I was a bit offended as we are not devoid of culture as the 'article' describes; but parts of it do ring true (the needlepoint and teddy bear sweatshirts). It also shows how freakin' egocentric the east and west coast tribes can be ;)

Live and let live ya'll - don't be wicked retahded!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Kathy Griffin...

is my new favorite person. I'm watching her stand up on Bravo tonight and she's funny. She did the Whitney Houston "BOBBAY" yell and I thought I was going to die laughing.

Watercooler talk this morning - bikinis. So you know I had a lot to contribute...

I looked at flights to Boston for Labor Day Weekend tonight. The price isn't bad at all...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Snooky did what??

It's Monday - woo

Snooky came in for a visit on Saturday. We did some exploring around Nashville and had dinner at the Aquarium. Bugg, Snooky, and I hung out most of Saturday night and well into Sunday on the patio - met some neighbors while we were out there. It was a beautiful weekend actually - got a little rain but it was needed.

Here are some pictures taken while Steve and I were out driving around yesterday evening.