Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More Reasons not to watch the news...

especially before bed.

I had gotten to a fairly relaxed state this evening and was watching the 10 o'clock news in bed waiting to see the weather and within the first 8 minutes I heard the following stories (some of it is graphic/disturbing so you may not want to read)

  1. 2 shootings/3 shot
  2. More Pacman Jones Vegas shooting details
  3. A deadly crash in Florida
  4. Deadly flooding/storms in Texas
  5. 5 children arrested for setting a dog on fire - the dog has not been found - I believe the children should be set on fire - save us from the future serial killers they will probably become - this was by far the worst story and I was just about to turn off the TV but before I could I got to hear this story...
  6. Nursing home being investigated b/c a patients bed sores were so severe they actually had maggots in them
I have not been in a good mood for a few days - this did not help. I really want someone to beat the living shit out of those kids for hurting that dog. I think that would make me feel better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll come with you! Anyone who purposely hurts an animal should be severely beaten themselves. And people with bed sores so bad they had maggots in them?! That is so vile!

Michelle Y