Saturday, October 31, 2009


We had one trick-or-treater - which means there's a good deal of candy left. I stupidly bought candy that I'd want to eat if there was any leftover.

Here are some pics from the work Halloween party.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Karma revisited

I have something on my mind - and it all came together while watching My Name is Earl. Yes - My Name is Earl. So Earl has just discovered Karma and is amazed at how if you do good things good things will happen to you...and for the most part I have always believed that too, in a very general way (not a tit for tat kind of thing but overall do good and good will come back). I also believe that if you do bad, a shit storm of wrath will (or should) come your way.

But sometimes it doesn't seem to happen that way in life. The good people get the shit storms and the evil ones never seem to get their due.

I know it's not my place to administer justice or wrath and I should focus on shoveling out grace and kindness, but in the tiny black part of my heart there is an ember of hope that the Karma shit storm will find it's way to those deserving few. But then does that make me deserving of a storm? Does that defeat the whole purpose of Karma - or is it human nature to want to see a little vengeance in action?

The reason for this latest round of internal(ongoing) debate involves cancer hitting two people I find very dear and I can't help but be a little angry and wonder where the hell Karma was/is?

A family friend recently died after years of battling cancer. She was an angel - I'm telling you - an angel here on earth. She had already lost her husband a few years ago to a form of cancer. Their two kids (who are adults now) no longer have a mom or dad. She was a true believer in God and I'm sure she's up there happy but it still makes me question things.

Another family friend was recently diagnosed with ovarian and colon cancer. She isn't even 50 and just saw the birth of her first grand baby a year or two ago. She is the sweetest, most loving person - and really deserves to see her grandchildren grow up. I hope she does. No I pray she does. I pray to Karma, God, Jesus and Mary that she does b/c I don't think I can accept the other option.

It just does not seem fair - but like Bugg says "the fair only comes to town once a year".

Monday, October 19, 2009

I've just been bad about posting lately...

This weekend was great! Parents were here and we made progress on the house and just enjoyed hanging out together. As an extra bonus Steve and Spencer came back early from camping out and so we got to spend time with them too.

Perfect cup of coffee this morning from DD and the sun is shining finally!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A letter to my fairy godmother

Dear Fairy Godmother,
Please send me money so that I may purchase a new work wardrobe for fall/winter.

Eternally Grateful,

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Naming your child Princess or some derivative thereof needs to stop.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Saturday at the Circus

Steve's parents took me, Steve, Spencer & Lily to the circus on Saturday. The Shriners put it on every year. This is our second year seeing the show. Some of the highlights:

There was a David Lee Roth looking Big Cat guy. He had on black spandex pants with some side fringe, his hair - a 1980's looking blond shag, and his dance moves consisted of high kicks, turns, and leaps as he 'dazzled' us with his ability to control the angry tiger beasts.

The contortionist was ridiculously good - at one point she bent her body in half (legs over head)and held herself up by her teeth.

The ring master - a woman - was annoying as ever with her drawn out announcer voice - innnnn...creee.......diiiiiibbbbllllllllllleeeeeeeee.

Behind us a grandma felt it necessary to loudly give a play by play to her granddaughter - who was old enough to sit and watch it on her own without the added drama.

The elephants were impressive - if not a little sad. I feel sorry for them. The hot pretzel was good. The kids had fun and we ate at the German place on the way home - they had a cute polka band playing and crazy good apple strudel. Not a bad Saturday.