Thursday, October 22, 2009

Karma revisited

I have something on my mind - and it all came together while watching My Name is Earl. Yes - My Name is Earl. So Earl has just discovered Karma and is amazed at how if you do good things good things will happen to you...and for the most part I have always believed that too, in a very general way (not a tit for tat kind of thing but overall do good and good will come back). I also believe that if you do bad, a shit storm of wrath will (or should) come your way.

But sometimes it doesn't seem to happen that way in life. The good people get the shit storms and the evil ones never seem to get their due.

I know it's not my place to administer justice or wrath and I should focus on shoveling out grace and kindness, but in the tiny black part of my heart there is an ember of hope that the Karma shit storm will find it's way to those deserving few. But then does that make me deserving of a storm? Does that defeat the whole purpose of Karma - or is it human nature to want to see a little vengeance in action?

The reason for this latest round of internal(ongoing) debate involves cancer hitting two people I find very dear and I can't help but be a little angry and wonder where the hell Karma was/is?

A family friend recently died after years of battling cancer. She was an angel - I'm telling you - an angel here on earth. She had already lost her husband a few years ago to a form of cancer. Their two kids (who are adults now) no longer have a mom or dad. She was a true believer in God and I'm sure she's up there happy but it still makes me question things.

Another family friend was recently diagnosed with ovarian and colon cancer. She isn't even 50 and just saw the birth of her first grand baby a year or two ago. She is the sweetest, most loving person - and really deserves to see her grandchildren grow up. I hope she does. No I pray she does. I pray to Karma, God, Jesus and Mary that she does b/c I don't think I can accept the other option.

It just does not seem fair - but like Bugg says "the fair only comes to town once a year".


ae said...

I was having the Karma discussion with a friend of mine tonight - in re: a woman we both know who claims to be a suuuuuuper Christian but is meaner than a snake. When is she going to get hit with Cancer? Seriously.

Mary Bernard said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friends.

Life really stinks much of the time. It isn't fair.

For me, my hope is based in a God who I believe is 100% good all the time. I don't understand WHY things happen, and even though they look bad, hard, unjust, unfair to my HUMAN eyes, I trust that God is working all things for good. I don't get it much of the time, but that's OK.

Read Psalm 73 if you have a chance (I included a link below). The psalmist talks about the prosperity of the "wicked" and how unfair it is. But, Scripture also says that God's justice will prevail and the "wicked" will one day receive their "punishment," and the "righteous" will receive their "reward."

That gives my heart hope and my soul comfort in this crazy, mixed-up world.

Psalm 73:

KGirl said...

Hey Girlie, ah, I wish I could give you a hug and make you brownies. :) What can I say? It's just not fair that it happens to anyone (especially the good ones!!). Why, indeed, would a God who loves his people bring agony upon innocents? As for Karma, Buddha help me, I should have been mowed down about 50 times by now! And yet, we have friends and family who should never have been touched by that C demon. I don't know how it works, but I do wholeheartedly believe that good people who have had to deal with such grief and pain in their lives and who don't get to stay with us DO get their peace and happiness either in Heaven or in another life. So next time you see a fuzzy puppy playing or a gorgeous butterfly flitting around bursting summer poppies, know that those people are enjoying something blissful wherever they are. :) As for crappy people who suck and live really long lives, may severe indigestion and gas cramp their lives and the IRS audit them... xok