Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Field Trip

We took a field trip to Trussville AL to visit the Amerex fire extinguisher facility.

430 miles in one day - not bad though...lots of laughs, some chocolate pie, and passed a "gentlemen's club" somewhere in AL with a very catchy and yet classy name... BOOBIE BUNGALOW.

Had a good time.

Lance - two thumbs up for having to ride in the backseat with me - we did a smokin' rendition of Salt n' Pepa's Shoop. I was Salt he was Pepa.

Reese gives the roadtrip 1 enthusiastic thumbs up

Alissa, Candice, Reese, me, Amanda, Lance, Phillip

Friday, April 11, 2008

Would you like cheese with your whine

A short vid clip of the cat whining at the door. He has it in his head that he needs to be outside and he will literally meow like this for an eternity. He also likes to wake us up in the morning with the 'pitiful' sound too. It's comical albeit annoying.

Half Asleep Ramblings

It's raining this morning. I didn't sleep well and it would be nice if it was Saturday and we could sleep in and listen to the rain; instead I'm up even earlier than usual sipping coffee and listening to the cat talk to himself, or me, or who knows.

Jared sent me a picture of our parent's house - they got rain yesterday - enough to flood the street and up past the mailbox.

The cat has passed out (in the middle of the floor of course); content and satisfied that he got me out of bed way to early. I'm off to get ready for Friday...I'll be sure to wake up Rufus as I walk past him :)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

All Dogs go to Heaven

Some of you know but sweet little Violet passed away on Saturday night. She had lots of love in her short little puppy life though but it's been a sad few days.

On another sad note - Super Dog Jake (my landlord in Maine's Lab) was put to sleep today. He lived a long happy life and had lots of love too. He got to spend lots of time running on the beach, loved riding in the car, and kept me company during my winter in Maine. Maureen said their other dog Nellie has been looking for Jake all day.

That's enough dog sadness for awhile.

I told Steve surely dogs go to heaven - there is nothing sweeter in the world than a dog's face and eyes. The debate is still out on cats though - at least in the case of Rufus ;)

Friday, April 04, 2008

Hitting in the Lottery

How sweet would it be if you put a quarter into a change making machine and got $7 in quarters back? How sweet would it be if you put a quarter in 10 times and each time got $7 in quarters back. Pretty sweet.

It happened to someone I know. A mini lottery windfall courtesy of a defective change machine on campus.

In other news Jayrod got a job ~ way to go Jarrito!

In other other news - Operation pick up the cutest puppy in the world is on hold until her cold gets better.

In news past - Stef was here for a visit last weekend and it was so pleasant and relaxing...we ate too much but that was the worst of it. No crazy pictures or wild times at the saloons and honky tonks downtown. Just a nice visit :)