Friday, February 27, 2009

Things that make me happy on this Friday

Violet's upper lip hanging out

Emma wrapped in a towel after her bath

The daffodils on my desk - picked from the backyard

Bagel Friday!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Barry & Babs

I was watching Letterman last night interview Barbara Walters and it struck me that she and Barry Manilow look a lot alike.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Even Cowgirls get the blues

To borrow from Tom Robbins - it's true even cowgirls get the blues...especially when they have to say goodbye.But we put on happy faces this morning and tried on our dream boots and some cowboy hats at a shop downtown...

Stef's Nashvegas B-day

We had a great day started out waiting in line at the Pancake Pantry - totally worth the wait, the pancakes were delicious - DEE-licious!

Then we spent some quality time looking through the shops, stopped by Gigi's Cupcakes so Stef could pick out cupcakes for her b-day dinner.

Violet & Emma both had a lot of fun at the dog park - Emma squealed w/ delight watching the dogs run & play.

Emma & VB have a special bond - VB makes Emma laugh and Emma makes sure she shares her food with Violet.

After the outdoor time we came home and 'called' Kristin over in Holland - good times! Stef made a wonderful lasagna - Highly recommend trying it - it's beyond good.

Sadly the girls head out this afternoon and back to Boston but it's been a wonderful visit with wonderful friends. Lucky me :)

Baby Fish Mouth - kisses from Emma

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I don't get it

It's like the poster says...
I detest this woman Nadya Sulema - the octoplet nutjob.
I'd like to say/think she's mental but that would give her disgusting behavior an excuse.

Of course through the news blubs I've been sort of keeping up with the freak show but this morning is the first time I've actually taken the time to read a full story on her and I kind of want to spit in her face. That's how much she bothers me.

I like how she doesn't think that the disability and food stamps she's getting for her first litter of kids isn't welfare. No, no?!! WTF is it then?

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Random Hearts

Stef takes photos of random hearts and heart shapes whenever she sees them out and about - here are the ones I got today