Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day Weekend

Picture info
Jared and I actually had to stand in the drive through ATM - the kids in the car in front of us were staring - It was awkward
Trivia: Mayor Caliper Dr in Colp, IL (My Uncle Frank was Mayor there for 50 some odd years)
Picture of me, Mom, Dad - would have been great - had I OPENED my eyes! I don't know what my deal is lately with closing my eyes in photos. I'm going to keep it anyway and just look at it from far away because it's not as obvious that my eyes are closed.

I went to Mascoutah this weekend for a wedding and to spend Father's Day with my dad (also got to have lunch with Steve, his boys, and his parents today - bonus). The wedding was beautiful - really - I cried at least 5 different times for various reasons. I saw LOTS of people from Mascoutah that I hadn't seen in a long time and in some ways it was good and in some ways it was painfully awkward but I'm glad I went. I also got to see my friend Dana's brand new baby girl - so sweet

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