Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I hate being short sometimes...

I live in a 'gated' community and after 6 pm I have to use either a key card or punch in a code to get the gate open. There are two different machines in which to do this - I can't get close enough with my car to reach either one. I have yet to successfully let myself into the gate on my own. Either I piggyback on the car in front of me or Steve gets out and does it for me. When he's not around I'm sad to say that I try not to be outside the gate after 6 :-|

It stresses me out AND makes me mad that I can't get close enough to reach - oh and top it off with the fact that it's on a pretty steep incline so I'm worried about reaching the keypad and not killing the car before I can get it into gear and up the hill and through the gate. ARGH! The stress in my life! ;)

I was telling Stef this and she said - "Why don't you just put your car in neutral - hop out, get the gate open, and then scoot on in?" Well DUH?!!? I guess I was so miffed at not being tall enough to reach that it didn't occur to me *blush*.

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