15 years since the STL Riot at Riverport. 15 years since my rock n roll heart was broken in the middle of "Rocket Queen". 15 years since I sat in a baby blue Chevette in complete shock at what had just happened. 15 years I've waited and last night I waited some more. I was about to start a mini riot of my own having to wait for sooooo long but it was so worth the wait as G n R finally took the stage just before midnight.
I have to say that being at the concert made me feel like I was stuck in the 80's but I'll live with it because it was awesome! Plus there were several peeps there who were clearly stuck in the hair band era (scary scary scary) so I'm glad that at least I had on my "trendy" G n' R shirt (thank you Urban Outfitters) and wasn't sporting a mullet. ;)
As you can see from the abnormally large, super close up picture - I'm pretty happy. I'd like to give a shout out to Kristin for being a super sport and trekking all the way to Worcester with me, staying up way past our bedtimes, and rocking out - good times! :-)
Natae + Axl = L.O.V.E.
Axl called honey, he asked that you let in go and move on. It's time...just let it go, it will be okay. (breathe) lol
lol! I tried to let it go but his thighs in those jean makes it damn near impossible!
eeeewwwwwwwww...gross! Now, I'm thinking I should have kept my comments to myself. I just had to put my two cent in didn't I. lol
P.S. - I heard that he's been showing up after midnight in several locations. At one venue, he told the limo driver to keep driving around until the vibe came to him!!!!
He didn't show up until almost midnight - I was not amused. As soon as the crowd started to "boo" they came out. Swear to god he was just waiting for that - freakin' ego-maniac. Yes I say that but I was a screaming fool when they started playing.
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