Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday Friday - I love Friday

Two of my favorite things today.


Anonymous said...

My sister saw this first and told me that there was a picture of my future husband! She's mean like that.
Anyway, when will we see a picture of Jimmy? :)

Unknown said...

Did she mean the German guy was your future husband or my new favorite eye candy Yadier Molina? :) I haven't seen Jimmy in awhile...oh and I lost my camera so I'm SOL! Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Miss you, too! Not to diss your eye candy, but my sis meant the German guy. He could have a good personality, right? And maybe those are pleather lederhosen. :)
By the way, are you on some special vitamins or something? Why is it that with each new photo (like the ones with your family), you're looking younger and younger and even more and more fabulous? Seriously! I desperately need your secret!

Unknown said...

LoL!! Pleather lederhosen! And I'm not taking any vitamins - You're awfully sweet to say that I look younger - I'm just going to go with the fact that I'm happy...or maybe it's just Boston...come out for a visit and see if it works :)

Anonymous said...

I ask her a similar thing all the time about how she looks....

Every pic she's looking better and better.

Never thought about the "younger" look, but now that you mention it... maybe she's finding an elixyr (sp?) that's suiting her well.
