Wednesday, May 31, 2006

April Showers bring...

It's Spring and that means the "interesting characters" are out frolicking full force in Central Square. Today the square was loaded with them. I saw drunks talking smack to one another, smelled smells I could have lived a lifetime without smelling, and saw some woman who clearly had had more than one child showing all of Cambridge her stretch marks and excess belly fat, nicely accesorized with a belly button ring.

There is nothing wrong with stretch marks and excess belly fat but I really don't understand the showing it off part. I don't think I'll be able to get the image outta my mind for a long time. I'm happy that she's so comfortable with her body - perhaps we could learn something from her confidence? Or perhaps not.

There are interesting characters everywhere - and some don't have the excuse of alcohol or drugs. I sometimes think I like the drunks and the junkies better than the straight out a**holes.

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