Props to Dan who came up with the best saying of the week - It's never dark enough. So let's see where to start - we've been super co-dependent over the last week - and I am seriously already experiencing withdrawal. Without being too sentimental I just have to say thank you to everyone for A) getting me out of the house B) bringing me out of my winter blues C) being so great and so much fun!! Went to Quincy for St. Patrick's Day - had a great time at the Half Door. We went to an art show last night - got to hang out in a giant bee hive. Had brunch today and then back to the Littlest Bar for a Sunday wrap up. Kristin is coming into town on Friday!!!!! Can't wait!!! Get ready Ms. K!
And thank YOU Natae for being such a good sport, attending tickle/slumber parties with 30-sumpin' year old women, and always having such a smile on your face! Winter blues are heading on out the door...for sure!
Also, thank you for being so "grabby," while blaming others for your "grabbiness."
Oh the humanity. What a banner way to celebrate St. Patty's Day. I'm sitting here, looking at these pictures, and I'm sooo greatful that Jasmine brought me into the fold of this great group of people! Lucky me.
- Stefalupugus
green greetings also from the fellas from KY (props to murray state. U bostonians made r trip for st paddy's day. (wish i could've seen that tickle party too!) holler :-)
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