Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Goooooo TEAM!

Did anyone see the SIU cheerleader who fell from the top of the pyramid and broke her neck?

On her way out - in a C-collar - on a stretcher - she found the spirit (we've got spirit yes we do, we've got spirit, how bout you?) to actually continue the cheer with her wee lil cheerleader hands!

I'm super glad she's ok (Gimme an S - Gimme an U -Gimme an P -Gimme an E -Gimme an R) honestly I am but it was ...disoncerting (?) to see her cheering while being carted off by the EMT's. She's going to make a full recovery and that truly is G R E AT .....G-R-E-A-T!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, you kill me! The mental image is hilarious! - Michelle