Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Idol Update

Fudge Knocker! I had a whole stupid thing written out and somehow I hit something and it disappeared. So here it goes again ~

Could someone please make a single of Chris D's rendition of Johnny Cash’s Walk the Line? It was smoldering - smoldering - I am going to run out of adjectives to describe his hotness eventually.

Stef and I were talking about how Chris - aka my imaginary boyfriend - exudes this calm quiet confidence that makes him so smoldering. Stef likened his confidence to a saturated sponge - if you were to squeeze him the confidence would drip out. She also gave him a Five Star Review - saying he was more than mere eye candy - but in fact a four course gourmet meal.

Ms. Paula A. seems to have been sneaking into the medicine cabinet again - her eyes looked a little glassy - The girls - Mandisa, Paris, and Katherine did stellar jobs as well.

WTF is up with Paula getting in Simon's face about Taylor's dancing - I thought they were going to have a Dance off. The drama - Drahhhmaahhh!

Kristin countdown - 3 days


Anonymous said...

I agree about Paula! That was so CRAZY last night...total cringe factor with her behavior. First it started with the high clapping where her body was slouched in a slightly unnatural way...then her cross-eyed looks, and finally her fighting with Simon. AI was complete!

Unknown said...

Hehe - I have the perfect picture in my mind of Paula's high clapping slouched body - excellent description!!

Anonymous said...

The smart money is on the Pickle to win, and on Paula not being able to finish the season due to a stint in rehab.

Unknown said...

It's all about the pickle with you boys! :-)

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad that, during my first time watching AI, I was able to witness the pickle incident. Girl definitely has talent, not alot of brain power but hey, can't be too picky huh? I just loved Ryan Seacrest's barely concealed look of surprise at her lack of intelligence and constant exclamation of "Look, it's a pickle!" Too funny.