Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Jello costs how much?

While waiting for the bus yesterday our neighbor Gert and her friend Dottie (from 18L) sat down next to me. They were chatting it up about the high price of Jello and bananas at the Star Market. Gert recognized me after I said hi to her and she introduced me to Dottie, who remembered me from Gert's Jean Nate' story. They then started talking about their friend's cat who was so big he "looked like a small dog". Dottie said, "Well you know he's altered and when they are altered they get bigger than normal". I'm sitting there thinking she means genetically altered or something but when she asked me if our cat was altered I realized she meant spayed/neutered. I had never heard it called altered before...made me laugh.

Has anyone seen the commercial for the toe nail fungus medicine? It's a cartoon and shows the nasty fungus character lifting up the person's big toe nail and crawling inside to join his fungus friends. Not only is it a hideously gross commercial but when he lifts the toe nail up like a car hood I feel a hysterical scream welling up inside from the image and the thought of the pain...even if it is a cartoon.


Anonymous said...

Do you recall that a few years ago I lost my toenail at a Violent Femmes concert, in St. Louis!! The 4th of July, when my brother met me there for the river fest thing...
Anyway, I have felt the pain of the car hood... I can attest: bad, very very bad.
Needless to say that I too cringe at that commercial.
Not to mention - HELLO! - Fungus!!!

Unknown said...

Gawd I remember, and it's making me cringe! That was soooooo awful! We bought a futon tonight so you'll have a place to sleep when you come visit :-)

Anja said...

Once again, your post made me laugh out loud. Altered....hmmmm.