Had a busy day at work. Spent the evening with Kristin. Helped her move a shelf up to her apartment. It must have been a site to see us trying to heave this 80 pound box up to the third floor. We were laughing pretty hard. We ate at an Irish pub that was so cozy. I had a Farmer's Cheese sandwich..it looked sooooo good..I took a big bite and my eyes started to water and my mouth started to burn. Horseradish! OMG! I couldn't go on with it...so I ate my french fries instead.
I saw an interesting outfit today on the bus...this lady came in wearing a cow print skirt (actually looked like real cow hide, you could see the hair). It wasn't the regular Midwest black and white cow...no my friends...it was the Boston uptown tan and white cowhide. To accent the ensemble she had on blue argyle socks and brown lace up shoes. It was sweet!
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