More adventures on the bus today. Apparently they left the windows open on the bus last night and when I got on this morning I noticed several seats had small puddles of water in them. Being ultra intelligent :) I picked the seat without the puddle. Feeling happy and dry I rode along with nary a care...when it came time to switch buses I stood up and noticed with a twinch of horror that my ass was as wet as duck's butt in water. The freakin seat was wet afterall, it just didn't have a puddle in it. So my pants are stuck to me like saran wrap and I'm mortified because I knew my pants were obviously wet. But...just to be sure... I asked the girl behind me on the escalator to check. She said sheepishly, "Yes, you can see it...but only if I'm looking up at you...not if I'm looking straight at you" So basically at butt-height I guess.
So I walk along with my wet ass ...right into work, holding my purse behind me, straight to the bathroom to have a look. Yup, looks like I peed myself...so I grab a bunch of paper towels and head to the stall to try and dry out. Long story longer...I find out when I get in the stall that the water I sat in and has now absorbed into my pants smells like mildew. So after the water dried I still had the pleasant aroma to remind me. Later in the day to add salt to my already fragile and wounded state, I tripped over my damn lab coat in front of several scientists and I actually made some kind of weird noise like...oh..uh...oh...I'm ok...I'm ok. Needless to say I'm ready for the weekend :)
Here are some recent shots Alex took. Miss you all!
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