Too much body hair? Never blog will make you as smooth and famous as David Beckham!
I like to roam the blogs of others at sometimes, but what I don't like is that three out of four sites are an advertisement for laminate flooring, body hair removal, or some other such thing (actually happened in that order this morning when I was looking).
I get enough of that crap on TV and in my junk email....why do I have to be subjected to it here too? Am I missing something? Is it really someone's personal blog dedicated to helping the rest of us remove our unwanted, unsightly, excess body hair or is it just another ad?
Hardly any body hair on David B.
Didn't you know that we're living in a paradise of capitalism where everything is for sale?
It's all the rage these days to believe that the whole world is a marketplace, 24 hours a day, in your home and in your car; in your bed and bath and beyond. Not even the darkest, most protected corners of this world shall be shaded from its purifying white light!
Everything can be a profit center, and to decry the glorious opportunity of painless hair removal, penis enlargement, and free DVD movies is to deny your DUTY as a citizen to be a part of the great machinery where the wisest and wealthiest of our people produce and we consume. Like the amobae in your own body, it is our role to eat products and crap cash. Nothing could be more American!
Amen Brother Andy! :-) K, send me a pic of the new hair!
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