There are already way to many of them in the world but I wanted to take some time out today and highlight a special dumb ass - the shoe bomber dumb ass or SBDA as I like to say.
Here are the highlights from the online article
The man imprisoned for trying to blow up an American passenger jet with explosives hidden in his shoes says he has no regrets and trusts that God will set him free, according to a British newspaper. "I had a couple of good dreams about my situation changing for the better ..." Richard Reid reportedly wrote from prison, the Daily Mirror said Monday.
Good luck with that buddy! I once had a dream I was tiny as a mouse and I lived in the garage of my parents house - it was super cool...but...sad to say....it didn't come true. I'm also pretty sure that God is plenty pissed off at you for not having accidentally blown yourself and your stupid shoes up before getting on the airplane in some sort of practice run gone bad scenario - the end result being that you eliminated yourself from the gene pool thereby relieving God of having to deal with you later.
Go Rot.
Natae, you're very smart. S.
My parents say hello to you and Bebe! :) xo n
Your post was not real clear. Tell us how you really feel about this guy.
maybe god has a plan for him, like to get out of jail become ordained priest and marry you and steve 16 months from now!!
That'd be sweet if the shoe bomber would marry me and Bugg. He's gonna have to go barefoot though - without question.
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