Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Does anyone else find this disturbing or am I missing something?


Here's the summary
Nebraska district judge, Jeffre Cheuvront, suddenly finds himself in a war of words with attorneys on both sides of a sexual assault trial. More worrisome, he appears to be at war with language itself, and his paradoxical answer is to ban it: Last fall, Cheuvront granted a motion by defense attorneys barring the use of the words rape, sexual assault, victim, assailant, and sexual assault kit from the trial of Pamir Safi—accused of raping Tory Bowen in October 2004.
It seems to me the victim's rights are not being protected at all - and also seems to be the case in many rape cases - the victim is the one put on trial - cliche to say I know but it makes you think doesn't it that when the judge bans words to describe what allegedly happened ...just sort of restrictive and I don't think fair at all.

Your thoughts?

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