Forget college - hell forget graduating from high school. Why spend time and money on all that nonsense?
Of course you can spend all that money, time studying (sorta), and find a job that pays you marginally well to sit and stare out the window of your office and watch cars drive by.
Or a job where you can spend several hours talking to your friends on IM.
Or one where you sit and obsessively check a) your blog b) your friends' blogs c) your email d) your bank statement - of which there is no activity b/c you're at work and you aren't using your debit card so nothing has been charged.
Or sit and wonder when the hell you are going to find a job that a) you like with no exceptions - or close to no exceptions b) fulfills you and keeps you occupied c) doesn't make you loco.
Please note - I have not mentioned computer games like Bejewled and Cubis b/c I gave those up when I started my new job - I'm not sure if they monitor my computer activities and I don't want to get caught wasting time.
Snooky and I have had several discussions - after work hours - about the fact that we don't feel like grown ups - and yet we are firmly entrenched in our 30's - well past grown up. But do grown ups feel like this? This discontent? Did my mom and dad feel like this when they were working? Does anyone else feel like your skills and education are a waste of time and money? Hell my salary doesn't even come close to what I owe in student loans.
I'm going to go kick some dust, pout until my lip touches the floor, and possibly throw an all out tantrum - not very grown up at all.
well if you werent worried about the man keeping his eye on you, you would play and if like me show your superior the porn sight you were just on, damn the man!!!!
King Pin let's you get away with that at work? ;)
there is no "man" watching down on me at work and king pin sent me the site.
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