On the news tonight it showed George W speaking about how Al Qaeda is still a threat etc. etc. same bullshit different day - and during the segment they of course showed W talking (it grates on my nerves so to listen to his annoying voice and how utterly stupid he sounds) and then they showed video of Bin Laden (of course) and an Al Qaeda training camp. The particular footage they showed was a group of the trainees crossing monkey bars in the dessert somewhere. And the absurdity of it all was overwhelming. Seriously - our young men and women are dying because of a 'threat', an 'enemy', an 'evil-doer' that trains on f*cking monkey bars.
Let me say that I am in no way degrading what our troops are doing - they are doing their job and I appreciate that/them. I am however more disgusted than ever that our 'Commander in Chief' has created this chaotic no win situation to take down a group that trains on monkey bars. MONKEY BARS. Come on - we are supposed to be 'the super country', can't we do better than this mess? I've also decided that W must have the world's smallest penis b/c that's the only thing that explains his obvious need to overcompensate in such a grand manor.
My penis might be small, but damn it's short. - G.W.B.
I don't get it? Am I not supposed to get it?
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