I hate bugs, insects, wasps, bees, beetles, whatever - if they have more than a few legs, fly, crawl, sting, buzz or otherwise don't look like bambi or my dearly departed dog Abbie I hate them. I scream when I see them, I have a hard time killing them b/c they are big and squishy and it absolutely flips me out. I've recently been made aware of a wasp in the area called a "cicada killer'. These ginormous things actually kill cicadas - which are not small creatures either. I swear to Buddah if I came across one of these things I think I might have heart failure. They actually closed a park down here b/c of these nasty things. *shudder*
I perfer the term insects as opposed to bug. Not all bugs are created equal.
You're right - some are Super cool Buggs :) xo
I'd offer to come over and kill it for you if one ever appeared, but you aren't just down the street anymore! You could call me for moral support if you needed and I could talk you through it!!! :) Sarah
lol! that's right you did have to come to the rescue - that thing was awful!!! :)
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