Friday, December 18, 2009
99 Red Balloons
My Grandma turned 99 earlier this week. We went to visit her and the rest of the Ohio family this past weekend to celebrate December birthdays and Christmas. As a side note - a few weeks ago she had a heart attack - mild as the docs put it - but really at 99 how mild can it really be? It was scary but she pulled through and is back to her 'old' self. And not to brag - but seriously folks - my grandmother is amazing. Heart attack aside she has aged gracefully.
She of course walks a little slower and hears a little less as she approaches the century mark, but she's still sharp. She still tries to get in her exercise, watches what she eats, reads, participates in activities and cares about her hair and makeup. She doesn't look 99 by a long shot and she has the cutest little butt that honestly I would die to have - which may sound weird but you know what I mean.
This weekend she was sporting a new necklace. It was quite fashionable and when I commented on it she told me she picked it out herself at the jewelery party they had at the assisted living home where she lives. Something about being 99 and still giving a flip about your jewelry AND being sharp enough to pick out something your hip young granddaughter would wear amazes me.
My hope is, if I'm lucky enough to live that long that I can be like her and not spend my days and nights in a diaper and/or having to pick my boobs up off the floor so I don't trip on them. (And if I do have to worry about the boob issue I hope Bugg is there with me to help!)
Friday, December 11, 2009
The friendly skies
Bugg and I arrived at Gate C9 about 10 minutes ago, happy, full of coffee, and ready for our trip to Ohio to spend the weekend with the birthday girls; Jewels, Mom, and G'ma. As we approached the gate to sit down and wait to board, a Southwest credit card sales guy asked if we wanted to sign up for 'free travel'. I politely declined with a 'no thank you' and a smile. Then he said under his breath with more than a hint of bitch - 'fine, if you want to pay for it'.
That flipped on my bitch switch and I turned and curtly said "being a smart ass is not a good way to get business".
I was fuming - that pit of the stomach fuming you get when you have to make an ass of yourself b/c of something some other ass did. And fuming b/c damn it - keep your comments to yourself.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams
"I long to hear that you have declared an independency. And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.
"Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands.
"Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.
"That your sex are naturally tyrannical is a truth so thoroughly established as to admit of no dispute; but such of you as wish to be happy willingly give up -- the harsh tide of master for the more tender and endearing one of friend.
"Why, then, not put it out of the power of the vicious and the lawless to use us with cruelty and indignity with impunity?
"Men of sense in all ages abhor those customs which treat us only as the (servants) of your sex; regard us then as being placed by Providence under your protection, and in imitation of the Supreme Being make use of that power only for our happiness."
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Natchez Trace Fall Peep show
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Ya makin' me angry
Secular Life says they are not here to Bible bash but rather provide people who aren't religious a support group/network. This may or may not be true, I don't know anything about the group but the spokesman that was on the news seemed fairly level headed...doesn't matter...point is, they still have the right to put the billboard up.
This is what one local BB had to say: "It just absolutely wrong place, wrong town, wrong timing," said Green Hills resident Donnie Cude.
"It's a slap in the face to the Nashvillians and the people who have a strong foundation and do so much good for this town," said Cude.
"Do I respect that they're able to do that? Have to. Do I agree with them? No, I don't," said Cude.
I don't see how it's a slap in the face - I'm a Nashvillian - I don't feel like I've been slapped in the face. Thanks for your opinion Mr. Cude - but I'm sure you don't really respect one damn thing about Secular Life - your "have to" comment pretty much sewed that up.
The fact that the BB's are ticked makes me smile b/c it makes them more self righteous than usual - which is always fun to watch.
They can of course be ticked off - that's their right, BUT they really just need to zip it. It's not on the news every time they put up one their 'religious' messages on billboards. Fair is fair man.
So if the BB's continue to put up their "HELL IS REAL", "ABORTION IS MURDER", "WHERE WILL YOU SPEND ETERNITY", and "JESUS" billboards then they can do like Jesus says and turn the other cheek if the other side wants to voice their opinion.
I'm sick of having people's religious and moral opinions shoved in my face - sick of it. Remember - when you're pointing your morality laden finger at me there are three more pointing right back at you. Oh and also - Jesus may love you but I'm his Favorite.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Domestic Bliss
I did the grocery shopping and organized and cleaned the pantry and discovered that there is something extremely satisfying about having a well stocked, well organized, clean pantry. I friggin' love it! I love just opening the door and checking out how nice it looks.
We also got a tv stand/media console, to use the adult terminology,the kitchen is almost done, and the other rooms are coming together - minus the living room which will hopefully have some direction after Wed night, first mortgage payment has been sent, and we got visited by a few trick -or- treaters. Oh - and an extra hour of sleep - not a bad weekend!
Shout out to John Bailey out there in ND!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Karma revisited
But sometimes it doesn't seem to happen that way in life. The good people get the shit storms and the evil ones never seem to get their due.
I know it's not my place to administer justice or wrath and I should focus on shoveling out grace and kindness, but in the tiny black part of my heart there is an ember of hope that the Karma shit storm will find it's way to those deserving few. But then does that make me deserving of a storm? Does that defeat the whole purpose of Karma - or is it human nature to want to see a little vengeance in action?
The reason for this latest round of internal(ongoing) debate involves cancer hitting two people I find very dear and I can't help but be a little angry and wonder where the hell Karma was/is?
A family friend recently died after years of battling cancer. She was an angel - I'm telling you - an angel here on earth. She had already lost her husband a few years ago to a form of cancer. Their two kids (who are adults now) no longer have a mom or dad. She was a true believer in God and I'm sure she's up there happy but it still makes me question things.
Another family friend was recently diagnosed with ovarian and colon cancer. She isn't even 50 and just saw the birth of her first grand baby a year or two ago. She is the sweetest, most loving person - and really deserves to see her grandchildren grow up. I hope she does. No I pray she does. I pray to Karma, God, Jesus and Mary that she does b/c I don't think I can accept the other option.
It just does not seem fair - but like Bugg says "the fair only comes to town once a year".
Monday, October 19, 2009
This weekend was great! Parents were here and we made progress on the house and just enjoyed hanging out together. As an extra bonus Steve and Spencer came back early from camping out and so we got to spend time with them too.
Perfect cup of coffee this morning from DD and the sun is shining finally!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A letter to my fairy godmother
Please send me money so that I may purchase a new work wardrobe for fall/winter.
Eternally Grateful,
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Retouch much?
This is ridiculous - and ugly.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Saturday at the Circus
Steve's parents took me, Steve, Spencer & Lily to the circus on Saturday. The Shriners put it on every year. This is our second year seeing the show. Some of the highlights:
There was a David Lee Roth looking Big Cat guy. He had on black spandex pants with some side fringe, his hair - a 1980's looking blond shag, and his dance moves consisted of high kicks, turns, and leaps as he 'dazzled' us with his ability to control the angry tiger beasts.
The contortionist was ridiculously good - at one point she bent her body in half (legs over head)and held herself up by her teeth.
The ring master - a woman - was annoying as ever with her drawn out announcer voice - innnnn...creee.......diiiiiibbbbllllllllllleeeeeeeee.
Behind us a grandma felt it necessary to loudly give a play by play to her granddaughter - who was old enough to sit and watch it on her own without the added drama.
The elephants were impressive - if not a little sad. I feel sorry for them. The hot pretzel was good. The kids had fun and we ate at the German place on the way home - they had a cute polka band playing and crazy good apple strudel. Not a bad Saturday.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Could I get a 5 day weekend please?
Some more boxes have been unpacked, we have towels and rugs for our bathroom, and we've even talked some with the neighbors. Steve has been cleaning the old house and taking care of lawn type things at the new house. He got a cheap lawn mower off Craig's List and mowed the yard Sunday and tonight he seeded the back yard.
We spent a few hours on Sunday finishing up the cleaning at the rental after a much needed nap and we've been watching random old movies from Netflix (Predator, Airplane, Animal House, and Blues Brothers)as we patiently await the installation of our cable.
It's very slowly coming together and yet there's so much to be done to fill in the gaps but we'll get there.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
So me your udders!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Say Cheese
It's also taking some getting used to being in a neighborhood - the last place we lived there were only a handful of houses on our street and not a lot of coming and going - that and we lived mainly in the den which was in the back of the house. You could walk around naked beating your spouse and no one would bother you. Here though it feels like every time you go out your front door there's a neighbor saying hi. No more naked spouse beating. ( I have no idea where the spouse beating came from - it was either that or clubbing seals and I thought that might be even more offensive)
I don't mind the neighbors or the lack of privacy much; it's something that time and curtains/blinds will remedy, it's just a definite adjustment.
I'm headed to WI this afternoon to do another rock n roll campus tour. I'm sure my fans are already lined up waiting to get a peak. Ha. This one is going to be better than the last; we've got a souped up PowerPoint and my nerves aren't as bad. Rock on!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Headline: Fallout over Obama Comment
A politician tells the truth and there's a fallout. I know I know some would rather shout out 'You Lie' but in this case he got it right - Kayne is pretty much a jackass.
Slow news day.
First Home
I know I should be excited and happy and I am but more than anything I'm a giant bundle of nerves and anxiety. It's easing as we get closer to move date but this is a huge deal and I'm having a lot of anxiety about the responsibility of home ownership - co-ownership but still. I would assume this is normal and I know there's a lot more in life to be anxious over but I'm still nervous.
Soon it'll be home sweet home.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
It was a weird awkward experience and lucky for me I get to repeat it 2 or 3 more times in the next several weeks.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Whirlpool/Habitat Build - Atlanta
Thursday, August 27, 2009
This is real news people
You'll have to cut and paste - I can't get the link to work...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Here is just a group of random questions that were fun to answer...Feel free to leave your own
1. What is your salad dressing of choice?
Ranch or Garlic Expressions
2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
3. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
4.What do you like to put on your bagel?
Regular cream cheese
1. How many televisions are in your house?
4 - Includes one in the garage aka man cave
2. What color cell phone do you have?
Shiny red and black
4. Have any idea how many Megahertz your computer has?
I don't even know what that is really
1. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
2. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Wisdom teeth and some ankle bone
3. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
Weights at the gym - they didn't start out heavy but they got that way fast.
4. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
1. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
I don't know - part of me thinks yes but I think knowing would drive me crazy.
2. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I'm good with my name
3. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
I'd puke but maybe for a grand
1. How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
At least 7
2. Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
I almost got a ticket last year
3. Last person you talked to?
My husband
4. Last person you hugged?
My husband
1. Season?
Fall hands down
2. Holiday?
3. Day of the week?
Saturday - sleeping in and Dunkin coffee and double chocolate donut for breakfast
4. Month?
1. Missing someone?
I missed a wedding in Holland and I miss the friends that were there
2. Mood?
Kinda calm which is weird for me
3. What are you listening to?
Hell's Kitchen and Violet barking outside
4. Watching?
Hell's Kitchen
1. First place you went this morning?
2. What's the last movie you saw?
3. Do you smile often?
Yes - I think so
1. Do you always answer your phone?
Most of the time
2. Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
3. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I like my eyes - can't imagine a different color
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
5. Do you own a digital camera?
Yes - love to take pictures
6. Have you ever had a pet fish?
7. Favorite Christmas song(s):
Do They Know it's Christmas
8. What's on your wish list for your birthday?
I could use a new iPod
9. Can you do push ups?
Yes-but not many
10. Can you do a chin up?
Never ever have been able to
11. Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
Both - the house thing makes me nervous and excited
12. Do you have any saved texts?
I have several from Bugg but I can't read them on my new phone - but they are there.
13. Ever been in a car wreck?
Yes - scared the crap out of me - still makes me a very bad passenger sometimes
14. Do you have an accent?
Sometimes I guess I have a bit of a southern one
15. What is the last song to make you cry?
Jeff Buckley - Alleluia
16.Plans tonight?
TV and getting ready for tomorrow
17. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Pretty close once but came back better and happier
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
A soda for a quarter
19. Have you ever been given roses?
20. Current worry?
House thing
21. Current hate?
22. Met someone who changed your life?
Several - I'm very lucky
23. How will you bring in the New Year?
We'll be hanging out with the kids I imagine
24. What song represents your current state in life?
Oh Heavenly Day - it just makes me happy to hear it
25. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I'd like to be around when my parents were younger
26. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
27. Do you have any tattoos/piercings?
2 tats and three ear piercings
28. Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now?
I should hope so
29. Does anyone love you?
Well everyone - duh
30. Ever had someone sing to you?
Hmm I don't think so but I've had a mix tape made for me
31. When did you last cry?
Sunday night – reading a book – it made me cry
32. Do you like to cuddle?
33. Have you held hands with anyone today?
Um no
34. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
35. Do you like pulpy orange juice?
Pulp free
36. If you could have any job, what would it be?
I'd be a makeup artist w/ Bobbi Brown
37. What was the best thing that happened to you today?
I went to the gym and it was a major accomplishment - thanks Rese!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Big Grown Up Deal
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Friday Book Report
I just finished one of THE best books I've ever read: The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak.
It's about a girl in Nazi Germany. It's funny and rip your guts out heartbreaking.
It shows the best and worst of people (b/c you can't see the best without seeing the worst) and it's narrated by Death.
Get off the computer, go to the book store, buy it, and start reading.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Maybe only funny to me
1. Violet's three hops (you'll know it's happened b/c you'll hear me starting cracking up)
2. My laugh sounds just like my mother - which I think is funny - although I may be embarrassing myself by sharing this w/ God & country - i.e. you cyber types who read my ditties
3. The look on Violet's face when I start laughing and then the close up eye she gives the camera - after that you can hit stop
I did it - Again
We'll be going to the Urban Active gym. When I signed up today I noticed right off a few things that told me I was certainly not at the YMCA anymore. Lots and lots - I mean LOTS of people with tattoos - all over their buff bodies. Perhaps I can get my foot in shape so my tat will look at cool as theirs. Also there weren't many seniors ...and by many I mean - zero. I didn't mind the seniors at all it's just a totally different gym atmosphere. I think the girl who signed me up had been drinking on her lunch break - but she was pleasant. They have a huge cardio cinema area where you can watch movies while you do the treadmill - kinda cool. They also have a boxing ring which I have to tell you I'm excited about - boxing ring and a big punching bag. I love to punch sh*t and I hope someday I'll be brave enough to use it.
Random note: Put your balls back in your pants missy - that was some funny sh*t right there. It still makes me laugh today.
Other Random note: Seb and I were walking out of the cafe at work and immediately we heard this music - we both stopped and looked at each other - and then realized it was a ring tone on someone's phone. Seb said it sounded like a theme song and it did - like it was perfectly cued to our entrance into the lobby from the cafe. Then we went on to disucss how cool it would be to have our own theme song or theme music - like Peter on Family Guy had in one episode.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Some things to consider
- I'm really glad I didn't peak in High School (at least IMHO I didn't). I'm much happier, more confident, smarter/wiser, I've seen a few things, been some great places and have marginally better hair - all before the age of 40. Not too bad really.
- I don't care for over bearing people - women especially. The in your face aggressive big shoulder pad wearing women you're likely to meet in the work world. I think part of it is they intimidate me but after I get over that it's matter of it's just plain rude; so just put your balls back in your pants missy and back off with your attitude.
- I really appreciate all the work the people I work with do. They kick a** on a daily basis and make me want to do a better job.
- I walked into our house tonight after a brief walk with the dog and the A/C was kickin' it and it felt so good to walk into a cool house that I said to Bugg "We are truly blessed". He agreed. Simple small thing but it says a lot that we are fortunate enough to have A/C.
- It's ALS walk time again - you can expect to be getting emails from me soon pandering for your money - all in the name of a very very good cause! Remember - any little bit will help!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
More to Love Part 2
Are you freaking kidding me!?!?!?!
He went on to describe how remarkable the bachelor was - the one looking for a 'real woman'. The way it was said gave the impression that this guy was remarkably sweet b/c he was able to love the unlovable fatties. Then Mr. Wonderful (the bachelor not the news guy) said something about how he doesn't like really skinny girls, and how brave the fatties were to come and deal with their fat/self-esteem issues on the show. Skinny girls, fat girls, in between girls, we all have self esteem issues at one time or another - and I'd venture to say a lot of that has to do with the media. No news flash there I'm sure.
The whole thing just pisses me off. Most of these reality dating shows degrade women - and men for that matter...or at the very least make both sexes look bad...women act like slutty bimbos and men act like oversexed dogs.
I'm tired of talking and obsessing about weight as a basis of whether or not you're pretty or attractive. It gets in the way of what really is important - being healthy. But it's hard to obtain the healthy part when you're overloaded with image crap.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Things & Stuff
- The dudes on the Disney channel really need to get different hair cuts. They all have this weird flat flippy do and it annoys me. The Disney channel is on at our house every other weekend when we have the boys which is how I know it annoys me.
- I got $75 worth of free groceries from Kroger for opening a US Bank account today. I opened it w/ just 2 bucks. I think Steve is going down to open one too so we can get another $75 worth of free groceries.
- I don't know how I feel about the new series "More to Love" using the term "real women" to describe women with a little extra cushion. I don't know why there has to be a big girls version of a dating show and I also would like to defend the skinny girls - you're still real women.
- I've been in a funk for awhile now that I can't seem to shake. Part of it is just the normal cycle of my moods I think. Part of it is we've discussed for some time the idea of having a Baby Bugg. I don't think it's in the cards for us and I'm coming to terms with that - perhaps if we were younger it would be a more viable option. But we're not; there are other reasons too and there you have it. We have two kiddos that need our love and guidance and that's important.
- I miss laughing my ass off with my girl friends. There have been a few instances in the last few weeks where I've been with friends and we've laughed and it felt good - but I wish it would happen more often.
- Had a great time at the family reunion last weekend - pictures to follow soon.