Monday, November 02, 2009

Domestic Bliss

This weekend we spent a lot of time doing domestic house type things. We bought a new dryer since the one we bought from the landlord a month ago decided to quit working last week. Bugg shopped around and we got a deal and then he spent much of the weekend doing laundry - 8 loads to be exact. Bless him.

I did the grocery shopping and organized and cleaned the pantry and discovered that there is something extremely satisfying about having a well stocked, well organized, clean pantry. I friggin' love it! I love just opening the door and checking out how nice it looks.

We also got a tv stand/media console, to use the adult terminology,the kitchen is almost done, and the other rooms are coming together - minus the living room which will hopefully have some direction after Wed night, first mortgage payment has been sent, and we got visited by a few trick -or- treaters. Oh - and an extra hour of sleep - not a bad weekend!

Shout out to John Bailey out there in ND!

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