Things & Stuff

- The dudes on the Disney channel really need to get different hair cuts. They all have this weird flat flippy do and it annoys me. The Disney channel is on at our house every other weekend when we have the boys which is how I know it annoys me.
- I got $75 worth of free groceries from Kroger for opening a US Bank account today. I opened it w/ just 2 bucks. I think Steve is going down to open one too so we can get another $75 worth of free groceries.
- I don't know how I feel about the new series "More to Love" using the term "real women" to describe women with a little extra cushion. I don't know why there has to be a big girls version of a dating show and I also would like to defend the skinny girls - you're still real women.
- I've been in a funk for awhile now that I can't seem to shake. Part of it is just the normal cycle of my moods I think. Part of it is we've discussed for some time the idea of having a Baby Bugg. I don't think it's in the cards for us and I'm coming to terms with that - perhaps if we were younger it would be a more viable option. But we're not; there are other reasons too and there you have it. We have two kiddos that need our love and guidance and that's important.
- I miss laughing my ass off with my girl friends. There have been a few instances in the last few weeks where I've been with friends and we've laughed and it felt good - but I wish it would happen more often.
- Had a great time at the family reunion last weekend - pictures to follow soon.
#1-totally agree. totally. totally.
#2-no way. that's so cool!
I miss our laughs that were so hard they made us pop crocodile tears, hold our bellies, and cough! I swear, I've been telling Jaap "Natae used to do this... Natae used to do that and it was so freakin' funny..." stories since the day I met him. I just miss you so much, Girl. SO MUCH. You were on my mind yesterday at IKEA. I can't even remember why, but I told a Natae story even there! Come see me!!! And let's really plan a trip to meet up in Boston: we're coming 7-14 November. Come play!!!
And BTW, I really want a baby Bugg!!!!! Now I'll mind my own bizness.
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