Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The UPS & downs of my ride into work

  1. Lovingly coo and pet VB3 as we head to doggie day care
  2. Squeeze the steering wheel tight and control urge to yell at slowest person on earth in the left lane
  3. Check my makeup in the mirror - looking good hottie - way to go
  4. Drop off VB3 and turn on the 'thank you so much have a great day' smile and charm
  5. Anxiety and frustration building as I creep along in traffic towards the office
  6. Start crying after seeing a yard full of Latino children waiting for the school bus - their parents waiting with them - everyone socializing and happy
  7. Makes me think of Boston for some reason and Fall and the tears really start
  8. Pull into work parking lot just as Santa Monica comes on the radio - spend the next several minutes in the car ~ radio turned UP ~ screaming along to the song
  9. Head into the office ~ reved up from the song ~ ready for my first cup of coffee

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