Thursday, November 01, 2007

Think I'll go to Boston

more than a tad excited about my trip to boston.

my plane leaves in a few hours and i'm about as wound up as a jack-n-the-box.

the city, the people.

the baby momma tea, the baby shower.

the girls, the work family.

the bitter sweetness of it all.

the overly dramatic (intense is a better word) way i experience it all.

on one hand i gotta be honest i'm going to miss BUGG while i'm gone and on the other i know i'm going to cry when i see my beantown friends. and sunday will of course come too fast and i'll miss the b-town friends but be glad to see BUGG.

i'm a lucky girl though if these are my 'problems'.

i of course will be taking loads of pictures to document all of it.

i also think bittersweet would make a cool tat. no i'm not getting one - just saying...

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