Monday, November 05, 2007


  1. Chipping my brand new manicure trying to open caramels. Wicked is the color - it's cool.
  2. The headline I keep seeing "Winfrey in tears over abuse scandal" - evidently she 'wept for a half an hour' after hearing about the abuse at her school in South Africa. I don't doubt she did and I think it's great what she's doing for these girls but it annoys me to keep reading/hearing about it.
  3. The fact that all "carpenters" on TV shows like Trading Spaces and Extreme Home Makeover are 'hot'. I call BS on the whole thing. I want to see a fat bald guy with a mile long plumber's crack damn it!
  4. The fact that I eat too many caramels and not only end up with a chipped manicure but also it's the reason I have to start going to the gym.
  5. The allergic reaction I have to Origins facial products and the resulting sunburned, itchy, bump ridden face and neck. *sad face*
  6. It should be 3:30!!! Not 2:30!! Damn you time change! And of course I love it in the morning but not during the day - I'm ready to go home!!
  7. Mums that need too much watering - I'm over it. Freeze already so I can plant you in the ground and forget about you!
  8. Wal-Marting - tonight. &*$^#*@*^@!&#(&(#
  9. Sentry Report conference calls - zzzZZZzzz...
  10. Benadryl hangovers as a result of the aforementioned allergic reaction.

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