My friend Stef has meme'd me. Stef looked it up on the urban dictionary. And here's what it said:
meme (noun)
1. an idea, believe or belief system, or pattern of behavior that spreads throughout a culture either vertically by cultural inheritance (as by parents to children) or horizontally by cultural acquisition (as by peers, information media, and entertainment media)
2. a pervasive thought or thought pattern that replicates itself via cultural means; a parasitic code, a virus of the mind especially contagious to children and the impressionable
4. in blogspeak, an idea that is spread from blog to blog
5. an internet information generator, especially of random or contentless information
(She skipped 3 because She just didn't think it was as interesting.)
She has tagged me to write 8 quirks or habits about myself, and then pass it on to some lovelies whose blogs I enjoy.
This is hard but I'll try
1. If anything is too complicated for me or requires too much figuring out - I bail. I'm not one of those relentless types of people who keep trying - I quit - I'm a quitter - and I'm ok with that. I'm not a quitter when it comes to tackling life problems - just things that require too much thought or instructions that sort of thing. If it doesn't work by the second time I don't care to keep on trying and if it seems to be too intricate at first glance I will completely ignore it. God invented IT people, help desks, boyfriends, and handymen for these sorts of things - and I love them.
2. I'm a bit obsessed with death - I think/worry about it WAY too much. I blame it on my Grandma and Grandpa Caliper and telling me too many stories about ghosts, car accidents, and other morbid crap when I was a kid.
(as I'm writing these I don't think those who know me will find these all that surprising)
3. I'm not really very patient and I'm easily annoyed. Generally speaking I mean that I'm not very tolerant of the general public - people ANNOY the living sh*t out of me. If I like you though you are pretty much stuck with me b/c I'll probably always like you - unless you become a crazy freak like me and then I'll bail (the whole complicated thing referenced in number 1)
4. I scream whenever I have to kill a bug larger than a fly - it's not on purpose it's just a stress reliever and it comes out - I get freaked out - kill it and scream and then run around my house shaking and jumping and flapping my arms b/c I feel like it's on me.
5. I have atypical narcolepsy which basically means it's really hard for me to stay awake during the day some times. It's extremely annoying...but oh how I love to talk about it ;) (this one is a bonus - you got two of my idiosyncrasies for one)
6. I secretly have always wanted to lobby for a woman's right to choose - seriously. I used to argue with the protesters outside of Planned Parenthood when I drove by - and by argue I mean I used to honk/yell/gesture at them if there wasn't enough time while at the stoplight to engage them in conversation. I remember telling them one time to get a freaking hobby and leave us all alone.
7. There are only a few people I can drive with and be comfortable being a passenger. I believe it goes back to my obsession with my death (and having a father who falls asleep while driving) - but I can pretty much name on 1 or 1 1/2 hands how many people I am comfortable passengering with. Yes I made up passengering.
8. I believe in soul mates and destiny and love beyond comprehension.
That wasn't so hard....your turn!