Thursday, April 12, 2007

Summin' it all up

One of my favorite pics - a Sunday at the Littlest Bar

In the past 7 days I've gotten a job (go me), set a date for the movers to come (the 19th), gotten more fillings then I care to count (I'd smile but it hurts), decided to work three more days ($$), packed up more boxes (hate it), and secured my road trip companion (S.Bugg). I've also got cable and Internet service scheduled to be installed upon my arrival to N'ville (very important), made up the cutest (seriously the cutest) change of address cards, and Rocked the Casbah ( .

I have only 16 more days here in Boston. It's going by so fast. I'm seriously thinking about wearing my cowboy boots and cowboy hat into work the last day just for sh*t's & giggles.

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