Monday, April 02, 2007

I'm awful

I'm pretty sure that I'm going to hell for saying this but the perky lil eskimo lady from Alaska on Deal or No Deal tonight made me want to jab a pencil in my ears and eyes. She's a single mom with three cute little boys and an adorable uncle with his ceremonial Eskimo drum - swinging his hips and dancing and drumming, her supportive aunt, her token chubby friend. She's as cute as a button really - petite and pert and perky. The three "P's" of Prime Time TV.

Perky. I do hope she gets that 4-wheel drive truck she so desperately needs so she can cart her kiddos around the frozen tundra of Alaska - but she's crying now wearing a head dress and her aunt just did a cheer so you'll have to tell me how much she wins b/c I can't watch anymore.

Actually I find that more and more often the contestants on game shows are getting increasingly annoying. Either they are loud and obnoxious, perky and obnoxious, or just plan obnoxious. It's like they have no shame at all - perhaps it's a prerequisite - you have to check your good sense and shame at the door if you want to win the big money. Of course the reality TV folks aren't any better - i.e. I Love New York, Vanilla Ice (Rob van Winkle) on that Vh1 celebreality game show thing, or any of the bimbos or frat boys on the Real World.

I'll take "I'll act like a monkey on TV for 250 Alec".

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