I'm reading tonight where the Catholic Church has decided to banish Limbo ~ specifically that babies who die before they are baptized will be able to have/find eternal salvation. I'm not a very good Catholic so I hope I summed it up correctly... I am the sort of Catholic who has always believed the Limbo thing was a bunch of crap. I personally don't believe God would deny access to heaven to a baby simply b/c they weren't baptized - again forgive me if I'm simplifying or misquoting.
At any rate - this is not a religious post...it's so much more...so much more funny...
I was telling Kristin about the Limbo/baby story and she said in a very aggravated way, "Doesn't the Church have better things to do than make judgements about the types of games we play?!?!" And I was like uh...b/c it took me a minute to figure out that we weren't on the same page. I'm like not LIMBO LIMBO but Limbo.
We've been laughing our heads off for the last 20 minutes cracking jokes about how babies will now be allowed into heaven but they won't be allowed to actually play Limbo once they get there...Yet another reason why I'm not a very good Catholic.
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