I sit outside everyday after work and hang out with the dog. I love being outside on the patio after work - I especially like it when the weather starts to turn fallish.
What I don't like are all the leaves that continually fall from all the trees in our yard. They cover the driveway and the patio and the flower beds and it looks so dirty and disorganized. I have on occasion taken a broom to them but it's a pretty big driveway, there's a pile of leaves when I'm done sweeping that I have no idea what to do with and 5 minutes later everything is covered again.
For the last several days I've been sitting outside looking at all the dead wet brown nasty leaves laying around and it started to annoy me more and more; it was making me antsy in that way that a dirty house makes you antsy when you've let it go for too long and you just can't stand it anymore.
So yesterday afternoon I took action - I pulled the leaf blower out of the garage (thanks Dad!) plugged it in and with slight trepidation turned that bad boy on!
Holy sh*t! It was loud (I really should have been wearing earplugs and safety glasses), slightly heavy and awkward to hold/move, and it took a bit to get the hang of. At first I had leaves going everywhere (swirling around my head and feet) but after a few minutes I was rockin' it quite honestly.
In the end I had cleaned off the driveway, the front walk, the patio, and the flower beds. After it was done I sat down on the patio in my plastic Adirondack chair and surveyed my handy work.
It looked so clean and neat and the patio even looked bigger. But best of all it was so peaceful and calming to look at how orderly and clean it all looked. It was very satisfying and I think I've found a new after work hobby - so fall leaves, fall ~ I'm ready for you.
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