- Energy/wall street corruption
- Maverick McCain
- Hockey mom, middle class American - you betcha!
Granted I know lots of politico types do just that - don't answer the question and bring it around to what they want to talk about...but I think it needs to be pointed out b/c I'm afraid the media is going to focus on the fact that she didn't totally suck and forget that Biden did a pretty good job of answering questions and did a good job overall. Now back to my commentary.
First time I've heard either one of them speak and I have to say I like Joe. I like him a lot. He seemed comfortable, knowledgeable, and I like that he finally said "John M is no Maverick and I have just as much in common with the middle class America as you do S.P. " so shut it up. ( I added the shut up). I don't know how much either one of them really have in common with middle class America me but I do know I can't in good conscience vote for her.
And I'm sick of all the America is the best/greatest bullshit too (and S.P. peppered her talk with that). I love being an American - it rocks really - and I'm all for patriotism and pride in your country but really I just get sick of all the rah rah BS. America is in the shitter right now folks - in case you didn't realize it.
I like the way that Joe B said yep there are issues I've changed my mind on - through experience he realized 'the error of his ways'. But S.P. - nope (she didn't get some budget cuts put through that she would have liked a time or two or something like that - while she was mayor/governor of AK) but no nothing has happened in her life/work that has made her rethink where she stands on an issue.
Sad really. How willing are you to see another's perspective? It would be hard to reach across those party lines S.P. without the willingness and insight to want see the other side. Does she not make mistakes? Does she never learn from experience?
And finally I really just don't want to listen to her talk for the next 4-8 years. Really I don't.
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