I'm in St. Louis this week for training - which I think I may have already mentioned...
Got into town on Wed afternoon and stopped by my parent's house to drop off VB3, take a dip in the pool and have dinner with the family.
The big excitement, if you want to call it that, is that VB3 took her first dip. She swam like a champ. I don't think she was exactly happy about it but Jared and I kept putting her back in the pool anyway so we could watch her swim. She was so cute and I don't think too traumatized.
Today was spent in flashback hell. I'm taking a prep course for a safety exam I want to take before the end of the year and I've got some serious info-overload going on.
I've been putting off taking this test for a long time so it's time to suck it up and do it ~ and I'd like to have some more letters behind my name and some more $$ in the bank ~ but I think these three days might just make my head explode - if the allergies don't do it first.
We went over things today I haven't thought about/used in almost 10 years and even when I was learning/using it I didn't get it. I AM SLOW when it comes to MATH and chemistry. S L O W. Borderline short bus I think.
Sitting there in class listening to the instructor talk about truss compression/tension, logarithmic this and that, moles and Avogadro's number, ratios, Atomic weights, conversion factors and on and on brought on a mild panic sensation in my chest. It also brought back just how bad it feels to be so bad at something that everyone else seems to get. Questions? the instructor asks...Yeah - can I miss all the math/chemistry questions and still pass the test?
On a happy note ~ there are 8 people from Murray State here ~ a few of which I know, one who happens to be a sorority sister. I also got to see Kory & Andy tonight ~ had dinner with them, pizza and cheesecake. Perfect!
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