Thursday, July 24, 2008

Is the air thin up there on your high and mighty throne?

I ran into someone I used to work with. She has always been rather outspoken about her Christian values and how church going her and her family are...and yet she's got a hateful, self-righteous streak that has always made me cringe.

Well today I saw her and she was telling me about her son's engagement and even though they are young she knows they will be ok as long as they put God first in their relationship and pray.

She went on to say that she told her son to remember that marriage is forever - but she's certain it will work out b/c 'that's the way he was raised - he knows marriage is forever'.

Fine fine fine whatever - pray all you want but I have a few problems with her telling me this BS without my asking to hear it.

1. She knows I'm divorced and the tone and message was definitely a jab - guess I didn't pray hard enough.
2. It's just such a simplistic way to look at things - let's say for instance you're in an abusive relationship - pray about it and it will magically get better.
3. Her attitude was so condescending and judgemental - there was nothing Christian about it.

She then went on to comment about how her husband won't fix the grill b/c he doesn't like to grill and doesn't like to do anything but watch TV and play on the computer. I wanted to say "well just keep praying about it and maybe he'll stop looking at porn on the net and start paying attention to you."

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