Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Couple of things

  1. It's not OK to drive in the left lane if you aren't going to pass anyone or if you aren't going to go ABOVE the speed limit. Speed up, slow down, whatever you're comfortable with - just get the hell over.

  2. It's not OK to leave your turds in the toilet ladies. Flush and Flush again if necessary - I am tired of walking into the stall and seeing it. It makes me gag.

  3. It is not OK to fart right before getting onto the elevator and leaving it to linger for me to walk into the stench and then be forced to stand with the stench while I wait for another elevator - all while people are passing me thinking I'm the farter.

  4. It is not OK to pop out 18 kids - EIGHTEEN people. Someone asked me if the ladies vagina even closed anymore of if perhaps it's just stayed open and the babies just fell out.

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