Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Rachael Ray is annoying...

but I don't think she or Dunkin Donuts supports terrorism. I think the whole thing is a little ridiculous.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Serious Ramblings
VB3 has been to the doggie park three times in the last several days and I have to say it's the best thing EVER! After she's done sniffing butt and chasing tail she is worn out! She seems to make friends easily. See examples below:
- On Sunday morning she went up to Sophie the French Bulldog's owner and took a sip of her Starbucks iced latte. b/c of course this total stranger wants dog tongue all over her straw.
- Immediately upon entering the dog park yesterday she got humped repeatedly by a nasty half poodle half beast. Yes my dog is smarter than your honor student, cuter than your honor student and obviously can get laid more than your honor student.
- She then went on to Nose through Butters the Bichon Frieze's mom's friend's purse and then proceeded to walk right in front of Butters' mom at which point she promptly got her head stepped on. And yes Butters from SouthPark.
- Finally yesterday she found a BFF in a 7 month old Cocker Spaniel who I think would make a great romance novel cover model if they had such things for dogs. This Cocker had THE most gorgeous blond 'hair' I have ever seen on a dog. At one point she stood on the hill and the wind blew her hair back and I swear it looked like a scene out of a soap opera, cheesy christian rock video (if only she had been standing on a cliff near the ocean), or an "I can't believe it's not butter" commercial.
In other important matters Bugg and I did something awful last night. It was nine o'clock and we both wanted something sweet so I made chocolate chip cookies (the kind that come in the big tub you buy from school kids and keep in the fridge).
Yeah so I made 12 of them and I'm not lying when I say we ate every last one of them before we went to bed. Fresh and hot out of the oven - didn't even bother with the milk.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Busy at work
My supervisor sent us the following link today
Take a look at it before reading further and pay particular attention to the victim's niece...............................................................................................................................
My response to him was "His Niece reminds me of Florida Evans - the mom on Good Times." And I went googling to find a picture of Florida...what I found was even better....Florida's Twin

Interestingly enough I believe the tree incident happened in the state of Florida...perhaps the universe isn't random at all...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I ain't Dwayne Wayne but here's what's happenin' (Kid Rock)
Had a busy weekend. VB3 and me took a road trip to Mascoutah to celebrate a birthday, graduation, and baby to be.
My brother turned 25 on Sunday, my friend Erin had a beautiful baby shower, and my cousin Clay graduated from High School.
I went back to Louisville for Clay's graduation - first time I've been back in a few years. The farm where my grandpa and mom/uncle grew up has slowly been eaten away over the years as the corn field has taken over what used to be the yard. Now there is only one tree still standing and the smokehouse. Where there used to be a homestead with a barn, trees, a big white house, smokehouse, outhouse, and a few other out buildings there is now a lone tree and the smokehouse in the middle of the field.
Jewels surprised Jared on Saturday night with a party at a local sports bar and I got to hang around a bunch of 20 somethings which made me feel glad not to be 20 something anymore :) Young and dumb and having fun but still glad I'm not there anymore. It was fun though...and most importantly Jared had a great time. Happy Birthday to Snooky too!
The Circuit City Twins. The shorter guy likes to go to parties and drink beer without a shirt on according to Jared and Jewels.
VB3 did a great in the car - she slept most of the way; sometimes in my lap.
True Story
A company had a customer call in complaining that an online test for one of their courses was in Spanish. Technical Support looked up the question in's what they found out (other than woman is possibly an idiot):
When an employee is favored if they comply with requirements for sexual contact or punished if they do not, it is called:
Nolo contendere
Quo warranto
Quid pro quo
When an employee is favored if they comply with requirements for sexual contact or punished if they do not, it is called:
Nolo contendere
Quo warranto
Quid pro quo
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Couple of things
- It's not OK to drive in the left lane if you aren't going to pass anyone or if you aren't going to go ABOVE the speed limit. Speed up, slow down, whatever you're comfortable with - just get the hell over.
- It's not OK to leave your turds in the toilet ladies. Flush and Flush again if necessary - I am tired of walking into the stall and seeing it. It makes me gag.
- It is not OK to fart right before getting onto the elevator and leaving it to linger for me to walk into the stench and then be forced to stand with the stench while I wait for another elevator - all while people are passing me thinking I'm the farter.
- It is not OK to pop out 18 kids - EIGHTEEN people. Someone asked me if the ladies vagina even closed anymore of if perhaps it's just stayed open and the babies just fell out.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Duran Duran

I LOVED Duran Duran in the 80's. My friends loved them too - we used to pretend we were their wives and we would take turns 'interviewing' each other using our tape recorder and microphone and ask stupid questions like, "So what do you think about John's square chin" in reference to John Taylor's chin. It was actually a question and we thought it was the funniest thing ever and we thought we were so cool with our 'interview' skills.
Of course we all had the posters and the cassettes and watched them endlessly on MTV. Some of us were even lucky enough to have the white jazz shoes that they wore. I was not. My favorite was Roger Taylor - the drummer. Second was John - he's still pretty.
Anyway the whole point of this post is to say that after many years of listening to their music and liking it it occurred to me the other day that I really have no idea what the hell they are saying in most of their songs...I could always pick up most of the words but they really made sense in a logical way - emotionally yes it was easier to get the jist.
Today I looked some of lyrics up to some of the classics - Rio, Hungry like the Wolf, Reflex...and I gotta say - even reading the words I still have no idea what the hell they are saying. It's all very poetic and catchy and sexy and fun but honestly - no freakin' clue as to the meaning of the majority of them.
Hungry Like the Wolf
In touch with the ground I'm on a hunt down after you.
Scent and a sound. I'm lost and I'm found And I'm hungry like the wolf. Strut on a line it's discord and rhyme I'm on the hunt down after you.
I've seen you on the beach and I've seen you on T.V. Two, of a billion stars, it means so much to me Like a birthday or a pretty view But then I'm sure that you know it's just for you Hey now (wow), look at that. Did he really run you down? At the end of the drive, the lawmen arrive you make me feel alive alive alive.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Great way to start a Wed

I love breakfast time - not so much b/c of the food but b/c of the ritual. I like to come in to work early before everyone gets here and start the coffee, cook my oatmeal or bagel or toast, and enjoy breakfast while I read emails, check bank statements, or do blog type things.
This morning I decided to have toast with peanut butter and honey - one of my favs - and a nice cold diet coke, instead of my usual oatmeal and coffee.
My toast is toasted, the peanut butter and honey spread, my glass is full of ice - ready for the diet coke. It's such a treat, this diet coke. I used to drink diet coke every morning but I long ago switched to coffee; now and then though I love to have a cold bubbly diet coke - especially with peanut butter toast. I crack open the can of diet coke and start to pour sounds different...something is not right but
I slowly realize that I am pouring my diet coke into the jar of peanut butter and not the glass of ice. Sadly about half a can of diet coke lost in the peanut butter before I realize what I'm doing.
Brilliant really.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
May Day

VB3 is deep into puppy hood. She's had two sets of shots, the squirts, made friends with Daisy the neighborhood dog and managed to piss off the cat on a daily basis.
She also has had her first outing/long walk and was fascinated with every single person that went by either on foot or on bike. She sasses back at me when I scold her and loves on me when she knows she's about to be put in her crate and tomorrow she'll have her first visit to the kennel for a weekend stay.
I tell Steve everyday about some new thing she's done - give him details about her potty schedule and talk about how good she is to sleep through the night and how cute she is when she runs after her ball and blah blah boring blah.
I think if I were a 'real' mom with a 'real' kid I'd be one of those obnoxious "look at how pretty my sweet angel baby princess of god's poop is" moms. I'd hate me.
It's been just over a year since I moved to Nashvegas - seriously where has the year gone? It's amazing how much can happen in such a short period of time. New job, move, move again, get engaged, get married, get step-kids, get a dog...and scene.
Snooky is graduating this weekend with her MBA (holla) from UK. We are taking a trip up there to help her celebrate! Congratulations!!
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