So recently I've been thinking a lot about God, Jesus, Church and how I fit into it all, if at all. I've had a few experiences I'd like to share. I am by no means making fun of God/Jesus...I just have issues with organized religion in general and so if you detect any sarcasm/criticism it's directed at the organized part and not G & J.
First off a few weeks ago I was feeling particularly inquisitive and I called an Episcopalian minister (I randomly picked the church from Google). I told him right off the bat that I don't think I'm necessarily a good candidate for church for a few reasons
- I cuss
- I think the Bible is a really good story but I have issue with the 'taking it so literally' part and I don't see me getting over that anytime soon
- I do not believe that homosexuals are evil sinners that are going to hell and I never will
- I want to know "when is God going to put the smack down on the Evilest woman in TN b/c she's a liar and hateful and uses being a 'christian' when it suits her needs"
He had some interesting things to say - I respected what he had to say - he had a sense of humor and I may go by someday and attend a service and/or talk with him some more.
I've also had the opportunity to visit a couple different churches in the last few months with Steve's parents. I don't mind at all b/c I am curious but Bugg likes to joke about the Church going up in flames when I walk in. As if I'm that bad :) But to be fair I think I have yet to walk into a church and not cuss - it's like a nervous tick or something. I also can't make it through a service with my family without laughing or making my brother or mother laugh.
Anyway - at our first visit to a church in KY they were making an announcement that Billy Graham's son was going to be there in a few weeks for his mission and before I knew what happened I turned to Bugg and said, 'Billy Graham is a Nazi'.
I said that is b/c someone told me that tidbit several years ago and I never forgot it b/c it upset me so much to think that he would be an anti-Semite. Now I don't know how much truth there was to that statement but my source was reliable.
This past Sunday we went to one of the larger baptist churches here in Nashville -
It was the 11:01 service - i.e. the contemporary service (the :01 is just a way to be hip and cool according to Bugg's dad). I am not a contemporary church girl. Let me tell you why...
We spent the first 20 minutes listening (while standing) to the church's 'rock' band, rock out to Jesus rock - they were basically singing 80's power ballads to Jesus. They had lights, and sound, and big screen TVs and I swear to god even a smoke machine - at least it looked like smoke was hanging around up on the lights. Many of the members were holding their hands up waving back and forth and I'm thinking - this is not Motley Crue dude - this is church. But I got my lighter out anyway and started headbanging and chanting "Jesus Rocks, Jesus Rocks" - kidding.
This next part isn't why I'm not a contemporary girl - it's just random info about the service.
We spent the next 30-35 minutes listening to the pastor/minister guy tell us all about the turmoil in the church (it's been on the news - he spent church money to pay for his daughter's wedding reception but evidently the church committee people said it was ok to use church money to pay for half of it b/c he had to invite the whole congregation b/c he was the minister and it wouldn't be right to exclude anyone).
Anyway - some of the members are ticked off about that and other things and they want him to step down so it's going for a vote next week and he was basically campaigning to keep his job. So it wasn't exactly the sermon I was looking for but it makes for good convo nonetheless.
All I have to say is - He better not be lying after he got up there and made such a deal of it - I can understand making a mistake and being human - but don't lie man - that's not cool with Jesus at all. It reminded me a lot of Jim Baker and the whole thing stank of scandal. I hope I'm wrong though b/c he sure did look super hip standing up there in his jeans and untucked button up - it helps him relate to youth you know. This paragraph pretty much sums up the reasons why I am not a fan of big churches, organized religion or contemporary services.
It sorta made me miss my FAT priest at the catholic church I went to as a kid. You don't really have to think much when you're catholic. You go in, sing, kneel, pray, listen, take communion, give your money and leave. Then you go drink beer and play bingo. But I'm not really a fan of the catholic religion either...they have their own scandals and issues. Maybe I'll start my own church/religion. But what would I call it? Nat-o-nites? Natholicsm? Narmons?
On a possibly ironic note (I'm still not sure how to use that word) while we were taking Bugg's parents to see the house we pulled up behind this big black SUV covered with bumper stickers - a couple of standouts (though they were all in the same school of thought) I Love SATAN and Jesus Loves You...Asshole.
I would be willing to convert to Narmonism! I too believe that organized religion is the root of evil and that the bible is an interesting story but it doesn't make alot of sense.
Ironically, my brother texted me a biblical chain message first thing this morning. After I got over my shock (when did my slutty brother turn into a bible thumper?!) I texted back - "I'm an atheist - wrong sister!"
Oh honey, you gotta check out the Unitarian Universalists!!! The churches are old and stately, gays are not only welcome but married there, they teach all the good parts of the major religions and encourage you to develop your own 'faith statement' about what you believe. Best of all ain't nobody goin' to hell!
:) Sarah
I love it! I'm an atheist - wrong sister :)
Sarah - I might check em out...no hell? yippee!!
Who is the evilest woman in Tennessee? HS
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