Sunday, October 14, 2007


I got a LOT of stuff unpacked this weekend - and even moved some more things over to the house. I almost broke my arm patting myself on the back I did such a good job ;)

I spent the rest of my afternoon watching Antichrist on the History channel (a show about the historical concept of the Antichrist). It was pretty interesting and showed several sides of the how the AC came to be and how it's viewed today.

I've pretty much decided there have been lots of Antichrist like the people already (think Hitler) and most of the historical depictions were developed and used to persecute the Jews and various other people. I also wonder if one of the present day Antichrist's is the fundamental Christian movement. And I'm not being flippant - I seriously wonder.

The show talked about a series of evangelical FICTION books about the AC - one of the books is called Left Behind. The series is evidently hugely popular and I bet it would be interesting to read as a fictional depiction - but the thing that scared me was that it gave the impression that many of the people buying these books take it to be the truth about what is going to happen with regards to the end of the world and the AC.

There are just so many ways to interpret the Bible and so many people - not Jesus people like the Apostles - but people people - who have taken it to mean what they want or need it to mean that I think it's impossible to determine if and when the AC will appear.
That's my sermon for this Sunday. Peace be with you.

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