Friday, August 10, 2007

Wikipedia - I hate you

I started reading the Kite Runner last night. So far a really good book which made me want to do a little research on the author and the book so I googled it this morning and came across a link for it on Wikipedia.

I started to read just the general info about the book and the characters and I'll be damned if it didn't give away key points in the book. I was so mad! I wasn't expecting it to tell me any of that. They really should have a disclaimer about spoiling the whole thing posted in big bold writing.

Granted there are times (several times) when I get so anxious/engrossed in a book that I read ahead - but that's my choice - this was accidental and it upset me. And yes once I figured out that the character descriptions were also giving away the plot I stopped reading.

Just thought I'd share so it doesn't happen to you. You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

Oh Bummer! I loved that book - did they really give it all away? I was so surprised by the ending. I was caught up in the story and never saw the ending coming. . .Sarah

Unknown said...

They didn't give it all away - I stopped before it got too far - but I did find out a few things I wished I would have found out while reading the actual book :)