I was watching the Time Life Soft Rock Collection infomerical last night before bed (I'm a tad ashamed to admit it but those Time Life Music-mercials suck me in). So anyway this one was all the soft rock favs of the 70's-90's and there were some killer songs on there sung by some people who looked like killers (honestly what happened in the 70's and 80's to make men look so damn scary/creepy?)
Point of all this: It was being hosted by the two guys from Air Supply - soft rock heaven if ever there was - and it occurred to me that the little guy in Air Supply looks like Bilbo Baggins from Lord of the Rings and a little like Bea Arthur actually now that I look at the pictures and somebody else that I wanted to remember and I have completely blanked out...it'll come to me at some point - in the meantime check out the resemblance
Oh, great...thanks A LOT for the title of this blog...I will have this friggin' song stuck in my head for at least 3 hours....preciatcha.
-Doc B.
P.S. Say/sing this 10 times..."I fought the law and the law won..."
Haha! Sorry bout that...
My name is Luca..I live on the 2nd floor..
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