Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day 497 - ANTS

So it's really only been a week or so since the ANTS invaded and I don't really have anything new to report - I just felt like writing. Actually I do have an update - they have now officially moved INTO my refrigerator. I sprayed em a few times with windex last night - kills them without the harsh chemicals - but when I got up to get a drink at midnight and saw them swarming and crawling and being disgusting in the cracks of the refrigerator door seal and down near the crisper drawers I had enough so I busted out the RAID and sent them all to Hell.

I then stayed up for several minutes debating on whether or not I should now throw out everything in my fridge b/c I realized I could actually be poisoning myself with all the Raid I've been spraying - "Isn't that like ironic or something if I like totally killed myself with the Raid instead of the ANTS?" (said while I tilt my head to the side and twirl my hair with my finger).

Earlier in the evening two more of them crawled on me while I was watching TV - I'm not sure if they are migrating to the living room or if they jump on me in an effort to escape the poisonous Raid gas in the kitchen. No matter - I squash them like the ANTS they are and send them to Hell.

I did have to put pants on last night (instead of the shorts I usually wear while watching TV) b/c I was afraid I was literally going to end up with ANTS in my pANTS. One was crawling up my thigh so it's not such a far cry to envision him making his way to third base - and frankly I'm not that kind of I squashed the perv and sent him to Hell.

To Hell I say!

I was just about to post this post :) when I found the following blog on ants (my comments in purple):

a lot of people says that ants brings good luck. it is the belief of most Filipinos that when you see ants in your house you shouldn't kill them because they are blessings. yes that is true that ants are blessings because they are a creation of GOD. but let us look to a deeper meaning. what does it really conveys us?

1. small yet extremely wise. they say that wisdom has nothing to do with education. you could be the most intelligent person in class but you are dumb. (yes but are you small - b/c everyone knows being skinny is what it's all about. Seriously, I don't really get her argument here - first it's about small and wise then she explains it by comparing wisdom with education - which I agree with but it has nothing to do with small yet wise statement she started with - did the Raid rot my brain?)

2. not strong yet diligently working. they just keep on working. one example is when they're making a colony and some human being destroyed it they will go to another place and will start building again. they don't take revenge and they don't complain. (almost makes me feel bad....but not quite for two reasons 1) how can they complain - they are ants (tiny little things - what are they going to do - body slam you? 2)they are strong. aren't they able to carry like a gazillion times their own weight?)

3. no ruler yet motivated. they don't need someone to tell them what to do. (isnt' the queen the ruler? I don't know - I'm asking)

IN SHORT: LIMITATIONS ARE NOT LIMITS!!!**GOD SAID: "Go to the ant you sluggard**

I'm still going to kill them - forgive me but I am.


Darkhelmet said...


Sorry to laugh! You have ants in your pants!!!

Unknown said...

I have to admit - and I think it's completely narcisistic - but it made me laugh to write this one.