Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I heard on the news about the sorority in Indiana who terminated (not in the lethal sense) 23 of its members because they were "insufficiently committed to the organization".

The terminated members are saying they were let go because they weren't pretty or thin enough - or as they said "didn't fit the mold". I believe I actually heard them say on the news that they all got together in a room and looked around and realized - Hey we are all fat and ugly!
One member who left the sorority in protest said, "I think it's kind of disturbing that a sorority, which is an institution there to promote womanhood, would do something like this to their initiated members."

Um - it is disturbing but not surprising. Does she seriously think that sororities aren't about image - at least a little bit (or a lot depending on your view/experience)? That's like being surprised that an "ugly" girl isn't crowned Miss America.

I was in a sorority in college (I was one of the 'fat' girls so lord knows how I got in). I've been through Rush on both sides and it can be nasty and it does have a lot to with how someone looks and their "reputation". It is about fitting the mold.

The justification is that you don't want to bring someone into the house that's not going to fit in and who will then feel like an outsider. (Oh and then you have to terminate them later and it becomes national news because somebody got their feelings hurt and they want everyone in America to know they were kicked out of the club for being fat and ugly.) Awesome. Anyway...

I know how that sounds - the fitting in so they don't feel like an outsider later. But it's hard to tell from a few quick meetings what someone is really like personality wise - so the easy thing to go on is the outward appearance and what the sorority girl who went to Jr. high with the rushee's sister's friend says. Usually this all takes place before someone is initiated though.

I had a few things going for me during rush besides dumb luck:
  • I bought a bunch of new clothes for my Rush experience - thanks Gap!
  • I wasn't from there so no one knew me from high school and I wasn't a "Murray or Marshall County girl" that dated the president's brother or slept with the football team (at least they didn't know about it - ha ha)
  • I'd lost a bunch of weight the summer before I went to college so I wasn't fat fat
  • They needed members ;)
And finally to illustrate the point that you can't really know someone after just a few minutes of mindless chit-chat: one comment said about me after I visited the house of the sorority I eventually joined was that I was quiet. Yeah right - I'm quiet, and skinny, and rich, and I totally fit the mold :)

I'm not sure if I have a point to all of this or if it even flows coherently - bottom line - sorry you got kicked out but really is it necessary to take up news time talking about it? I'd much rather hear about George W and the stellar job he's doing! Could someone please kick his ass out?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll kick his ass! Oh, um, outta there. Agreed. That is much more newsworthy. But frankly, they had to put something else in the news that made someone else - other than GW - look ridiculous. Here's to fat chicks!