Wednesday, February 07, 2007


It's Freezing outside - FREEZING! I hate being cold more than just about anything. I hate sitting down on a frigid toilet seat (only in my bathroom - in public restrooms I follow a strict hover only policy), I hate that my fingers and toes feel like ice cubes just about 24-7 unless of course I sit on my hands or take boiling hot baths to thaw them out. The baths serve the purpose of a quick warm up but then I'm left with lizard skin that's not fit to be seen or touched by anyone! The Arctic air makes me cough, the indoor heat makes my nose dry up like the freakin Sahara, and I can barely venture out of my bed because the rest of the house is so cold all I do is shuffle around mumbling loudly about how &#)^#@ cold it is.

Having said this I'd like to say there's always room for ice cream. I realize this is crazy but even when it's cold enough to turn my constantly runny nose to snot cubes, ice cream has a warm spot in my heart.

Last night Stef and I had dinner and then went to our favorite ice cream spot for a quick fix. J.P. Licks has the best Oreo ice cream EVER and whenever we're near one we have to stop. As we are sitting there in our down coats, scarfs, gloves, hats, long underwear, and wool socks eating our favorite treat I realized just how ridiculous it is to be so blasted cold yet still go for the frozen treat.

Against my better judgement I'm posting a pic of me in the under layers of my winter get up (silk long underwear, knee high socks under wool socks). You can see that I don't miss too many (honestly I don't miss any) opportunities to eat ice cream. I'm also posting a pic of Stef (who looks as sweet as the ice cream) while she is eating the ice cream - note the full winter ensemble she has on. So there we sat - bundled up, shivering, eating frozen treats. Life is good :)

1 comment:

Darkhelmet said...


with all this internet stuff going down, the net is slow, and blogger isn't able to view the pics when you click on themm... How am I supposed to see Stef better if I can't see teh bigger pic??


Sounds like a few other ladies I know. No matter how cold it is ( Super Bowl Sunday ) they were craving Blizzards from DQ!.

Nut cases....

And yes... Stef DOES look as cute as the desert.